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Epan Wu




#1 23 EP. 260 2023 Top 10 | The Better Angels of our Nature|人性中的良善天使
2023/06/06 | 00:04:14
#2 23 EP259. Night Vision|負面情緒
2023/06/02 | 00:06:54
#3 23 EP. 258 2023 Top 10 | 曾國藩的正面與側面
2023/05/29 | 00:05:36
#4 23 EP257. If I Betray These Words
2023/05/26 | 00:07:35
#5 23 EP. 256 2023 Top 10 | Creative Quest by Questlove|知名DJ尋找創作的紀律
2023/05/23 | 00:05:26
#6 23 EP255. Pirate Enlightenment 海盜啟蒙史
2023/05/19 | 00:07:03
#7 23 EP. 252 2023 Top 10 | AI Superpowers|李開復:AI 新世界
2023/05/16 | 00:04:16
#8 23 EP253. The Art of Learning|學習的王道
2023/05/12 | 00:05:13
#9 23 EP. 252 2023 Top 10 | Money|貨幣野史
2023/05/09 | 00:09:29
#10 23 EP251. The Inner Game of Tennis|比賽,從心開始
2023/05/05 | 00:08:06
#11 23 EP. 250 2023 Top 10 | 腸保魅力
2023/05/02 | 00:06:48
#12 23 EP249. Africa is Not a Country
2023/04/28 | 00:08:20
#13 23 EP. 248 2023 Top 10 | Small Fry|賈伯斯女兒的自傳
2023/04/25 | 00:04:12
#14 23 EP247. Say Nothing|什麼都別說
2023/04/21 | 00:07:21
#15 23 EP. 246 2023 Top 10 | Drunk in China|醉心中國
2023/04/18 | 00:04:04
#16 23 EP245. Humble Pi|當數學不管用時?
2023/04/14 | 00:06:53
#17 23 EP. 244 2023 Top 10 | The Alice Network|一戰時期的間諜女王
2023/04/10 | 00:03:52
#18 23 EP243. Lessons in Chemistry|化學課
2023/04/07 | 00:06:12
#19 23 EP. 242 2023 Top 10 | Understanding Comics|原來漫畫要這樣看
2023/04/04 | 00:04:05
#20 23 EP241. Chip War|晶片戰爭
2023/03/31 | 00:07:16
#21 23 EP. 240 2023 Top 10 | A Beautiful Work in Progress|一場美麗的進行式
2023/03/28 | 00:04:22
#22 23 EP239. Think Again|逆思維.
2023/03/24 | 00:07:08
#23 23 EP239. Think Again|逆思維.
2023/03/24 | 00:07:08
#24 23 EP. 238 2023 Top 10 | A Full Life, Jimmy Carter|豐富人生
2023/03/20 | 00:04:18
#25 23 EP237. The Secret of Childhood|童年的秘密
2023/03/18 | 00:07:49
#26 23 EP. 236 2023 Top 10 | Writing|史帝芬‧金談寫作
2023/03/14 | 00:06:03
#27 23 EP235. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
2023/03/10 | 00:08:17
#28 23 EP. 234 2023 Top 10 | Lord of the ring|魔戒
2023/03/07 | 00:04:58
#29 23 EP233. The Light We Carry|我們身上有光
2023/03/03 | 00:03:39
#30 23 EP. 232 2023 Top 10 | 歐洲的心臟– 德國如何改變自己
2023/02/28 | 00:03:39
#31 23 EP231. Killers of a Certain Age
2023/02/24 | 00:06:31
#32 23 EP. 230 2023 Top 10 | 82年生的金智英
2023/02/21 | 00:03:57
#33 23 EP229. Killers of a Certain Age
2023/02/17 | 00:03:51
#34 23 EP. 228 2022 Top 10 | Black Box|黑箱
2023/02/14 | 00:04:44
#35 23 EP227. Raising Lazarus
2023/02/10 | 00:06:51
#36 23 EP. 226 2022 Top 10 | Building a Storybrand|建立你的品牌故事
2023/02/07 | 00:04:00
#37 23 EP225. Empire of Pain|疼痛帝國
2023/02/03 | 00:08:40
#38 23 EP. 224 2022 Top 10 | Lord of the Flies|蒼蠅王
2023/01/31 | 00:04:00
#39 23 EP223. Wanting|模仿欲望
2023/01/29 | 00:07:08
#40 23 EP. 222 2022 Top 10 | Going Big or Going Small_|馬雲帝國 vs. 小而美精神
2023/01/28 | 00:04:41
#41 22 EP221. The Tao of Alibaba
2023/01/20 | 00:07:31
#42 23 EP. 220 2022 Top 10 | Bullshit Jobs, Why We Need to Redefine Work|40%的工作沒意義,為什麼還搶著做?對狗屁工作的反思
2023/01/17 | 00:05:32
#43 22 EP219. An Immense World
2023/01/13 | 00:07:09
#44 23 EP. 218 2022 Top 10 | Grateful American|阿甘正傳的丹中尉
2023/01/10 | 00:04:56
#45 22 EP217. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing
2023/01/06 | 00:07:02
#46 22 EP. 216 2022 Top 10 | Never Split the Difference|永不妥協-前FBI探員教你談判
2023/01/03 | 00:06:22
#47 22 EP215. Plays Well With Others
2022/12/30 | 00:07:34
#48 22 EP. 214 2022 Top 10 | The History of the Future|VR 公司 Oculus 的故事
2022/12/27 | 00:04:12
#49 22 EP213. The Rise of the Rest
2022/12/23 | 00:06:53
#50 22 EP. 212 2022 Top 10 | Engine of Impact|非營利組織的影響力引擎
2022/12/20 | 00:05:08
#51 22 EP211. Blind Spot|盲點下的不快樂
2022/12/17 | 00:06:39
#52 22 EP. 210 2022 Top 10 | Team of teams|美國四星上將的領導哲學 –像個園丁
2022/12/13 | 00:05:26
#53 22 EP209. To Pixar and Beyond|搶救皮克斯
2022/12/10 | 00:07:02
#54 22 EP. 208 2022 Top 10 | Dare to Lead|勇於領導
2022/12/06 | 00:03:57
#55 22 EP207. We Were Dreamers
2022/12/02 | 00:07:10
#56 22 EP. 206 2022 Top 10 | The Guns of August|八月砲火-資訊誤判如何釀成世界大戰
2022/11/29 | 00:05:17
#57 22 EP205. The Power of Regret|後悔的力量
2022/11/25 | 00:05:48
#58 22 EP. 204 2022 Top 10 | 我的流行音樂病
2022/11/20 | 00:06:26
#59 22 EP203. We were the lucky ones|我們是幸運兒
2022/11/18 | 00:05:41
#60 22 EP. 202 2022 Top 10 | How to Prevent the Next Pandemic
2022/11/15 | 00:08:53
#61 22 EP201. A long way gone|長路漫漫:一個童兵的回憶
2022/11/11 | 00:03:41
#62 22 EP. 200 2022 Top 10 | The Master|費德勒的卓越之路
2022/11/08 | 00:07:02
#63 22 EP199. It's our turn to eat|肯亞版的水門案
2022/11/04 | 00:05:11
#64 22 EP197. The Value of Everything|萬物的價值
2022/10/28 | 00:03:44
#65 22 EP.196 2022 Top 10 | Butler to the World
2022/10/25 | 00:08:11
#66 22 EP195. Resilience Thinking|韌性與永續思維
2022/10/21 | 00:04:56
#67 22 EP.194 2022 Top 10 | 大英帝國的經驗
2022/10/18 | 00:07:00
#68 22 EP193. Scale|規模的規律和秘密
2022/10/14 | 00:04:41
#69 22 EP192 2022 Top 10 | Influence Empire|騰訊的影響力帝國
2022/10/11 | 00:06:59
#70 22 EP191. Ready Player One|一級玩家|賽博龐克所描繪的未來
2022/10/07 | 00:04:13
#71 22 EP.190 2019 Top 10 | The Age of Living Machines|生物機器的時代
2022/10/04 | 00:05:49
#72 22 EP189. Upgrade|升級
2022/09/30 | 00:05:24
#73 22 EP.188 2019 Top 10 | 印度如何培養出全球化人才
2022/09/27 | 00:03:58
#74 22 EP187. The Angel and the Assassin|大腦的天使與刺客
2022/09/23 | 00:07:11
#75 22 EP.186 2019 Top 10 | Evicted|驅離,下一個家在何方
2022/09/20 | 00:04:54
#76 22 EP185. The World's Worst Assistant|世界上最爛的助理
2022/09/16 | 00:06:01
#77 22 EP.184 2019 Top 10 | The Beautiful Brain|美麗的大腦
2022/09/13 | 00:04:20
#78 22 EP183. How The World Really Works|世界是如何運作的?
2022/09/09 | 00:08:38
#79 22 EP.182 2019 Top 10 | The Business of Platforms|平台生意學
2022/09/06 | 00:04:08
#80 22 EP181. Two Wheels Good|神秘的腳踏車與它的歷史
2022/09/02 | 00:06:01
#81 22 EP.180 2019 Top 10 | Rivals!|那些改變世界的瑜亮情結
2022/08/30 | 00:04:32
#82 22 EP179. Not Working|停止運作-為甚麼我們需要暫停
2022/08/26 | 00:04:48
#83 22 EP.178 2019 Top 10 | The coddling of the American mind|過度保護下的美國心
2022/08/23 | 00:06:00
#84 22 EP177. From WTF to OMG|因禍得福
2022/08/19 | 00:04:42
#85 22 EP.176 2019 Top 10 | 角色行銷
2022/08/16 | 00:04:17
#86 22 EP175. 大日本·滿洲帝國的遺產
2022/08/12 | 00:09:27
#87 22 EP.174 2019 Top 10 | 失控,是最好的安排|從嘻哈青年到「舊鞋救命」
2022/08/09 | 00:04:52
#88 22 EP173. Build
2022/08/05 | 00:08:58
#89 22 EP.172 2019 Top 10 | Radical Inclusion|激進的包容力
2022/08/02 | 00:04:12
#90 22 EP171. The Facemaker|整形之父的故事
2022/07/29 | 00:08:41
#91 22 EP.170 2020 Top 10 | 把心放上去 - 前台積研發副總林本堅自傳
2022/07/26 | 00:03:56
#92 22 EP169. The Way Of ChuangTzu|美國神父眼中的莊子
2022/07/22 | 00:06:06
#93 22 EP.168 2019 Top 10 | Other Minds|章魚哥的內心世界
2022/07/19 | 00:04:08
#94 22 EP167. Foxconned
2022/07/15 | 00:08:37
#95 22 EP.166 2019 Top 10 | Rapping and Programming as Forms of Poetry?|饒舌與程式能算做一種詩嗎?
2022/07/12 | 00:03:53
#96 22 EP165. 鄂圖曼帝國五百年的和平
2022/07/08 | 00:07:06
#97 22 EP.164 2019 Top 10 | Writing my Wrongs|美國黑獄老大沙卡的救贖
2022/07/05 | 00:03:45
#98 22 EP163. Against The Gods|風險之書
2022/07/01 | 00:07:33
#99 22 EP.162 2020 Top 10 | The Donut King|柬埔寨甜甜圈大王傳奇的一生
2022/06/28 | 00:04:18
#100 22 EP161. The Key Man|寄生慈善
2022/06/24 | 00:08:11
#101 22 EP.160 2020 Top 10 | News of the World|讀報人
2022/06/21 | 00:03:52
#102 22 EP159. Deaf Utopia|無聲天堂
2022/06/17 | 00:06:41
#103 22 EP.158 2022 Top 10 | Work|為工作而活
2022/06/14 | 00:07:15
#104 22 EP157. Trailblazer|開拓者
2022/06/10 | 00:04:56
#105 22 EP.156 2020 Top 10 | Girl Decoded|讓AI有情商
2022/06/07 | 00:04:05
#106 22 EP155. Kuo Hsing Chun|郭婞淳- 舉重若輕的婞念
2022/06/03 | 00:05:17
#107 22 EP.154 2020 Top 10 | Never Lost Again|_Google 地圖革命
2022/05/31 | 00:04:04
#108 22 EP153. Why We Eat Too Much|我們為何吃太多
2022/05/27 | 00:07:52
#109 22 EP.152 2020 Top 10 | This is going to hurt|棄業醫師日誌
2022/05/24 | 00:04:07
#110 22 EP151. The Voltage Effect|讓好點子更加出色
2022/05/20 | 00:06:24
#111 22 EP.150 2020 Top 10 | Competing in the age of AI|領導者的數位轉型
2022/05/17 | 00:05:21
#112 22 EP149 I will never see the world again|土耳其被囚作家的回憶
2022/05/13 | 00:03:31
#113 22 EP.148 2020 Top 10 | Drive-thru Dreams|得來速的夢想
2022/05/10 | 00:03:38
#114 22 EP147. How I learned to Understand the World|我如何真確理解世界
2022/05/06 | 00:04:05
#115 22 EP.146 2020 Top 10 | The Motive|領導的動機
2022/05/03 | 00:03:45
#116 22 EP145. Save The Cat|先讓英雄救貓咪
2022/04/29 | 00:06:02
#117 22 EP.144 2020 Top 10 | A Million Miles in a Thousand Years|把人生變動詞
2022/04/26 | 00:03:40
#118 22 EP143. How to Change Your Mind
2022/04/22 | 00:05:00
#119 22 EP.142 2020 Top 10 | Caffeine|咖啡因的故事
2022/04/19 | 00:05:50
#120 22 EP141. Tarzan Economics|泰山經濟學
2022/04/15 | 00:07:53
#121 22 EP.140 2020 Top 10 | Caffeine|咖啡因的故事
2022/04/12 | 00:05:21
#122 22 EP139. A Thousand Brains
2022/04/08 | 00:06:13
#123 22 EP.138 2022 Top 10 | Vaxxers|疫苗先鋒
2022/04/05 | 00:07:43
#124 愚人節特輯— 人類的逆襲!
2022/04/01 | 00:20:45
#125 21 EP137. The World for Sale|待價而沽的世界
2022/03/31 | 00:07:36
#126 21 EP.136 2022 Top 10 | Price Wars|價格烽火效應
2022/03/29 | 00:05:40
#127 21 EP135. Status Anxiety|我愛身分地位
2022/03/25 | 00:08:31
#128 21 EP.134 2020 Top 10 | Word by Word|字典編纂者的告解
2022/03/22 | 00:04:39
#129 21 EP133. 搖擺於歐亞間的沙皇們
2022/03/18 | 00:07:25
#130 21 EP.132 2020 Top 10 | Snow Crash|雪崩
2022/03/15 | 00:06:03
#131 21 EP131. Finite and Infinite Games|有限與無限的遊戲
2022/03/11 | 00:04:25
#132 21 EP.130 2020 Top 10 | Infinite Powers|無限的力量– 微積分如何揭露宇宙的奧秘
2022/03/08 | 00:03:52
#133 21 EP129. Atlas of the Heart|心的地圖
2022/03/04 | 00:06:13
#134 21 EP.128 2020 Top 10 | 小學生年度學習行事曆
2022/03/01 | 00:03:50
#135 21 EP127. Didn't See It Coming |為時不晚
2022/02/25 | 00:08:54
#136 21 EP.126 2022 Top 10 | Dune|沙丘
2022/02/22 | 00:07:20
#137 21 EP125. Crying in H Mart
2022/02/18 | 00:08:00
#138 21 EP.124 2020 Top 10 | Why does E=mc2? 看懂質能互換與相對論的第一本書
2022/02/15 | 00:04:24
#139 21 EP123. Collision Course|陰謀始末
2022/02/11 | 00:07:48
#140 21 EP.122 2019 Top 10 | Qualityland|優質國度
2022/02/08 | 00:03:17
#141 21 EP121. A Brief History of Motion|「移動」的簡史
2022/02/06 | 00:06:42
#142 21 EP.120 2019 Top 10 | Bandersnatch|路易斯、托爾金與跡象文學社
2022/02/01 | 00:03:17
#143 21 EP119. Arriving Today|今日送達
2022/01/28 | 00:05:48
#144 21 EP.118 2022 Top 10 | Mother Trucker|冰路司機與作家的人生共鳴
2022/01/25 | 00:05:19
#145 21 EP117. The IKEA Edge|宜家的企業經營之道
2022/01/21 | 00:04:12
#146 21 EP.116 2021 Top 10 | Keeping At It|主席先生
2022/01/18 | 00:04:36
#147 21 EP115. 走到比錢更遠的地方
2022/01/14 | 00:03:28
#148 21 EP.114 2021 Top 10 | Principles for dealing with the Changing World Order|面對變動世界秩序的原則
2022/01/11 | 00:06:10
#149 21 EP113. Range|跨能致勝:顛覆一萬小時打造天才的迷思
2022/01/07 | 00:05:44
#150 21 EP.112 2019 Top 10 | Ignorance|_無知_ 如何推動科學
2022/01/04 | 00:03:15
#151 21 EP111. The Sweet Spot|最佳幸福配方
2021/12/31 | 00:04:42
#152 21 EP.110 2021 Top 10 | Giannis|揚尼斯 「字母哥」
2021/12/28 | 00:06:31
#153 21 EP109. Barstool MBA|酒吧椅上漫談經營
2021/12/24 | 00:03:54
#154 21 EP.108 2021 Top 10 | Will|威爾史密斯自傳
2021/12/21 | 00:04:09
#155 21 EP107. Stories that Stick|誰會說故事誰就是贏家
2021/12/17 | 00:03:29
#156 21 EP.106 2017 Top 10 | 刻意練習與異數|超凡與平凡的界線在哪裡
2021/12/14 | 00:04:12
#157 21 EP105. TWhere Tomorrow's aren't Promised|「甜瓜」卡梅羅·安東尼成為球員之前
2021/12/10 | 00:03:36
#158 21 EP.104 2021 Top 10 | The Chancellor|梅克爾傳
2021/12/07 | 00:06:27
#159 21 EP103. The Curse of Bigness|重新思考反壟斷
2021/12/03 | 00:02:50
#160 21 EP.102 2019 Top 10 | 為未來而教:葉丙成的 BTS 教育新思維
2021/11/30 | 00:03:56
#161 21 EP101. The Girl with the Louding Voice|為生命響亮發聲的女孩
2021/11/26 | 00:03:45
#162 21 EP.100 2019 Top 10 | Talking to Strangers|解密陌生人
2021/11/23 | 00:03:22
#163 21 EP99. Noise|雜訊
2021/11/19 | 00:04:56
#164 21 EP.98 2020 Top 10 | The Casketeers|殯葬者的日常
2021/11/16 | 00:03:39
#165 21 EP97. Numbers Don't Lie|數字裡的真相
2021/11/12 | 00:04:31
#166 21 EP.96 2019 Top 10 | 球學,何凱成的翻轉教育
2021/11/09 | 00:03:41
#167 21 EP95. My life in Full|我的豐富人生
2021/11/05 | 00:05:40
#168 21 EP.94 2021 Top 10 | The sixth man-Andre Iguodala|最佳第六人
2021/11/02 | 00:04:25
#169 21 EP93. The New Map|新版圖:能源,氣候,與國家衝突
2021/10/29 | 00:04:57
#170 21 EP.92 2021 Top 10 | Rationality|重返理性
2021/10/26 | 00:04:24
#171 21 EP91. Anxious People|焦慮的人
2021/10/22 | 00:03:22
#172 21 EP.90 2021 Top 10 | The Barcelona Complex |巴薩情結
2021/10/19 | 00:05:10
#173 21 EP89. 伊斯蘭帝國的吉哈德
2021/10/15 | 00:05:57
#174 21 EP.88 2021 Top 10 | Be Water, My Friend|似水無形,李小龍的人生哲學
2021/10/12 | 00:03:54
#175 21 EP87. Choose Better 做個選擇高手
2021/10/08 | 00:03:07
#176 21 EP.86 2021 Top 10 | This is your Mind on Plants|植物心藥
2021/10/05 | 00:04:41
#177 21 EP85. The Midnight Library|午夜圖書館
2021/10/01 | 00:04:23
#178 21 EP.84 2021 Top 10 | The Lonely Century|孤獨世紀
2021/09/28 | 00:05:01
#179 21 EP83. You and I Eat the Same|你我都這樣吃
2021/09/24 | 00:03:24
#180 21 EP.82 2021 Top 10 | A Promised Land|應許之地– 歐巴馬回憶錄
2021/09/21 | 00:04:05
#181 21 EP81. Chatter|強大內心的自我對話習慣
2021/09/17 | 00:03:27
#182 21 EP.80 2019 Top 10 | The Ride of a Lifetime|迪士尼15年執行長的心路歷程
2021/09/14 | 00:04:56
#183 21 EP79. Factfulness|真確|世界比你想像中的美好
2021/09/10 | 00:04:34
#184 21 EP.78 2021 Top 10 | Letters to a Young Gymnast|給年輕體操選手的信
2021/09/07 | 00:06:12
#185 21 EP77. There's a Hole in my Bucket|人生待辦清單
2021/09/03 | 00:05:00
#186 21 EP.76 2020 Top 10 | Losing the Signal|失聯的黑梅機
2021/08/31 | 00:06:22
#187 21 EP75. The Secret Life of Groceries|生鮮超市的黑暗秘密
2021/08/27 | 00:05:09
#188 21 EP.74 2020 Top 10 | Notorious|成功背後不只是「專心致志」
2021/08/24 | 00:05:53
#189 21 EP73. Circus Maximus|奧運的詛咒
2021/08/20 | 00:04:58
#190 21 EP.72 2015 Top 10 | The Alchemist|牧羊少年奇幻之旅
2021/08/17 | 00:03:42
#191 21 EP71. Remote, Inc.|遠距有限公司
2021/08/13 | 00:05:00
#192 21 EP.70 2020 Top 10 | Elon Musk & Maye Musk|一脈相承的大無畏創業家馬斯克
2021/08/10 | 00:05:59
#193 21 EP69. Brag Better|自誇的藝術
2021/08/05 | 00:04:32
#194 21 EP.68 2020 Top 10 | Stan Lee |史丹利
2021/08/03 | 00:05:19
#195 21 EP67. he B Press Reset|遊戲重啟
2021/07/30 | 00:05:56
#196 21 EP.66 2019 Top 10 | Billion Dollar Whale |鯨吞億萬
2021/07/27 | 00:04:33
#197 21 EP65. The Billion Dollar Molecule|十億美元的分子
2021/07/23 | 00:03:34
#198 21 EP.64 2018 Top 10 | Bad Blood|惡血
2021/07/20 | 00:05:25
#199 21 EP63. Ask Iwata|岩田聰如是說
2021/07/16 | 00:04:12
#200 21 EP.62 2020 Top 10 | Super Pumped|Uber 恣意橫行
2021/07/13 | 00:05:27
#201 21 EP61. Blood, Sweat, and Pixels|遊戲開發的血與汗
2021/07/09 | 00:05:57
#202 21 EP.60 2018 Top 10 | Eleven Rings, the soul of success|點化NBA的禪師總教頭
2021/07/06 | 00:05:19
#203 21 EP59. Code Breaker|改寫生命密碼
2021/07/02 | 00:05:39
#204 21 EP.58 2020 Top 10 | 槍砲,病菌與鋼鐵|人類沒有這麼偉大
2021/06/29 | 00:05:10
#205 21 EP57. Olive, Mabel & me|網紅狗與她們的主人
2021/06/25 | 00:03:25
#206 21 EP.56 2020 Top 10 | 蚊子,人類歷史上最致命的捕食者
2021/06/22 | 00:05:00
#207 21 EP55. Lilac Girls|失去名字的女孩
2021/06/18 | 00:03:48
#208 21 EP.54 2021 Top 10 | Edge|隱性優勢|逆境與成見也能成為你的優勢
2021/06/15 | 00:04:12
#209 21 EP53. Invisible Women|被隱形的女性
2021/06/11 | 00:06:07
#210 21 EP.52 2021 Top 10 | Liar's Poker|老千騙局
2021/06/08 | 00:03:24
#211 21 EP51. But You're Still so Young|可是你還年輕
2021/06/04 | 00:03:54
#212 21 EP.50 2018 Top 10 | Destined for War|注定一戰?|中美貿易戰-修昔底德陷阱
2021/06/01 | 00:06:13
#213 21 EP49. Songteller|桃莉芭頓,用歌說故事
2021/05/28 | 00:04:33
#214 21 EP.48 2019 Top 10 | Thinking in bets|高勝算決策
2021/05/25 | 00:04:03
#215 21 EP47. New Laws of Robotics|新機器定律
2021/05/21 | 00:03:43
#216 21 EP.46 2018 Top 10 | The Big Picture|未來電影產業何去何從
2021/05/18 | 00:03:44
#217 21 EP45. That Will Never Work|一千零一個點子之後,netflix的故事
2021/05/14 | 00:04:41
#218 21 EP.44 2016 Top 10 | Shoe Dog|跑出全世界的人
2021/05/11 | 00:05:10
#219 21 EP43. 東印度公司與亞洲的海洋
2021/05/07 | 00:03:58
#220 21 EP.42 2019 Top 10 | The Prosperity Paradox|繁榮的悖論
2021/05/04 | 00:04:31
#221 21 EP41. Ask Your Developer 數位世界中的“軟”實力
2021/04/30 | 00:04:08
#222 21 EP.40 2019 Top 10 | What You Do Is Who You Are|如何設計組織文化
2021/04/27 | 00:03:30
#223 21 EP39. Lifespan 可不可以不變老
2021/04/23 | 00:04:36
#224 21 EP.38 2019 Top 10 | Coach Wooden and Me|籃球讓我成為更好的人
2021/04/20 | 00:04:09
#225 21 EP37. 老蘇老師的同理心身教
2021/04/16 | 00:03:43
#226 21 EP.36 2019 Top 10 | Covenant & Conversation|從奴隸到自由的民數記
2021/04/13 | 00:03:42
#227 21 EP35. Narrative Economics|故事經濟學
2021/04/09 | 00:05:20
#228 21 EP.34 2019 Top 10 | Not in God's Name|毋以神為名
2021/04/06 | 00:04:40
#229 21 EP33. Gulp|大口一吞,然後呢?|深入禁忌的消化道之旅
2021/04/02 | 00:03:45
#230 21 EP.32 2020 Top 10 | Blockchain Chicken Farm|區塊鏈養雞場
2021/03/30 | 00:04:09
#231 21 EP31. Working Backwards “以終為始”的亞馬遜哲學
2021/03/26 | 00:05:18
#232 21 EP.30 2020 Top 10 | Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter|五角人生
2021/03/23 | 00:05:18
#233 21 EP29. The Inflamed Mind|終結憂鬱症
2021/03/19 | 00:04:32
#234 21 EP.28 2020 Top 10 | Eat a Peach|福桃大廚的顛覆人生-門外漢的力量
2021/03/16 | 00:05:11
#235 21 EP27. Poor Charlie's Almanack|窮查理的普通常識
2021/03/12 | 00:05:09
#236 21 EP.26 2019 Top 10 | God's Own Kitchen|神明的廚房
2021/03/09 | 00:05:16
#237 21 EP25. The Choice|抉擇
2021/03/05 | 00:04:44
#238 21 EP.24 2020 Top 10 | Maybe You Should Talk to Someone|也許你該找人聊聊
2021/03/02 | 00:04:10
#239 21 EP23. Getting Gamers|電玩心理學
2021/02/26 | 00:06:55
#240 21 EP.22 2020 Top 10 |《Celebrating Life》|為生命喝采
2021/02/23 | 00:04:57
#241 21 EP21. We Are the Nerds 網路文化實驗室Reddit的故事
2021/02/19 | 00:04:24
#242 21 EP.20 2020 Top 10 |《2030》ft.《優質國度》
2021/02/18 | 00:04:13
#243 21 EP19. NoFliter|摘下濾鏡的Instagram
2021/02/14 | 00:02:54
#244 21 EP.18 2020 Top 10 |《Autonomy》+《Driven》|自駕淘金熱|一場無法預料的馬拉松
2021/02/12 | 00:03:11
#245 21 EP17. 嘻哈歌手 “五角” 的江湖智慧
2021/02/05 | 00:03:12
#246 21 EP.16 2020 Top 10 |沙烏地阿拉伯的“奪魂鋸”王儲
2021/02/03 | 00:04:19
#247 21 EP15. 球學,何凱成的翻轉教育
2021/01/29 | 00:02:38
#248 21 EP.14 2020 Top 10 |百年抗疫
2021/01/27 | 00:03:42
#249 21 EP13. 史丹李 - 漫威宇宙
2021/01/23 | 00:05:19
#250 21 EP.12 2019 Top 10 |也許你該找人談談
2021/01/20 | 00:02:24
#251 21 EP.11 2019 Top 10 | Lord of the Flies 蒼蠅王
2021/01/12 | 00:01:56
#252 21 EP10. 窮人的經濟學
2021/01/08 | 00:04:27
#253 21 EP.09 2019 Top 10 | 解密陌生人 Talking to Strangers
2021/01/05 | 00:04:11
#254 20 EP08. 動盪:國家如何化解危局,成功轉型
2021/01/01 | 00:03:52
#255 20 EP.07 2020 Top 10 | 跨能致勝,最適用於AI世代的成功法
2020/12/29 | 00:03:57
#256 20 EP.06 2020 Top 10 | 林怡辰的閱讀教育
2020/12/23 | 00:04:06
#257 20 EP05. 綠燈別停的人生哲學
2020/12/22 | 00:04:07
#258 20 EP04.10歲開始學理財
2020/12/19 | 00:02:26
#259 20 EP.03 2020 Top 10 | Blockchain Chicken Farm 區塊鏈養雞場?!
2020/12/16 | 00:03:40
#260 20 EP02.人類大命運|意識重要,還是智能更有價值?
2020/12/13 | 00:06:20
#261 20 EP01. 數位時代的領導力 | 人才如何應對工作將被機器取代的未來
2020/12/07 | 00:04:46

