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Developing TOEIC Skills with MP3 CD/1片

Developing TOEIC Skills with MP3 CD/1片

作者: Andrea Janzen
出版社: 東華
出版日期: 2017/01/01
ISBN-13: 9781944879778
書店 1


  Developing TOEIC® Skills is designed for students who wish to improve their test-taking skills and achieve a higher test score. Each of the 12 units provides information and strategies for question-types commonly found on the TOEIC®. Each unit provides extensive practice and contains a mini-test to reinforce the targets of that unit. The materials and practice questions in Developing TOEIC® Skills reflect recent changes to the TOEIC®. Questions include conversations with more than two speakers and listening questions with graphics.

  Each unit targets the following skill areas:
  ‧Vocabulary: Words and phrases frequently encountered on the TOEIC®
  ‧Grammar: Level-appropriate grammatical structures commonly seen on the TOEIC®
  ‧Listening: Tips and strategies for listening questions with related practice activities
  ‧Reading: Tips and strategies for reading questions
  ‧Mini-Test: TOEIC®style practice questions for each of the seven sections of the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test

  Additional Features
  ‧Practice Test: A full-length practice test included at the end of the book
  ‧Transcripts: Full transcripts for all listening activities
  ‧Anser Key: Answer key for all practice activities
  ‧Downloadable explanations for mini-tests and practice test


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