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人資拿鐵 HR.caffe.latte

人資拿鐵 HR.caffe.latte



2021/06/09 | Firstory


#1 EP108 順勢而為,逆風方能飛
2023/05/23 | 00:15:43
#2 EP107 組織的代償作用 The compensatory Effect in the Organization
2023/04/18 | 00:34:08
#3 EP106 好情緒的價值與壞情緒的成本嗎?The value/ cost of your EQ
2023/03/21 | 00:14:55
#4 EP105 關於組織變革與重整 Revolution or Evolution?
2023/03/03 | 00:15:18
#5 EP104 累積價值四要素 Four key factors to accumulate your value
2023/01/31 | 00:12:28
#6 EP103 東西方文化中,績效管理的是與非 The different philosophy between East and West culture in performance management concept
2023/01/18 | 00:16:57
#7 EP102 馮諼買義,HR如何運用此概念將價值極大化 ?How to maximize HR’s value for your organization ?
2022/12/31 | 00:13:14
#8 EP101 從世界杯足球賽看組織運作 The reflections from FIFA World Cup to organization management
2022/12/19 | 00:19:28
#9 EP100 組織設計的訣竅與關鍵 About Organization Design, some critical factors should be considered
2022/12/08 | 00:16:07
#10 EP99 試用期的9字訣 The 9 key words during the probation period
2022/11/25 | 00:15:27
#11 EP98 生命當中的貴人 CP or VP ?
2022/11/14 | 00:12:44
#12 EP97 輸與贏的另一種思考 Growing or declining ?
2022/11/08 | 00:11:11
#13 EP96 PM,PM,你了解產品經理與專案經理的差別嗎 PM,PM, looks same but different
2022/11/01 | 00:16:33
#14 EP95 永恆與無常 Eternal & impermanence
2022/10/28 | 00:18:51
#15 EP94 人比人,氣死人,績效目標怎麼設定?
2022/10/21 | 00:14:09
#16 EP93 獵人、農夫與商人 Hunter, Farmer and Businessman
2022/10/14 | 00:18:31
#17 EP92 玩轉薪動力:從薪酬作業增值自我價值 Have fun during the Payroll administration
2022/10/11 | 00:16:44
#18 EP91 另一種訓練方法:談談體驗式學習 Experiential Learning
2022/10/05 | 00:12:22
#19 EP90 水土不服嗎?組織轉型時,導入西方管理典範的愛恨情仇 Best fit or best practice ? When adopting the up-to-date theory / methodology into your organization.
2022/09/27 | 00:20:57
#20 EP89 安靜離職?Quit quietly ?
2022/09/16 | 00:08:41
#21 EP88 新人任用前的背景調查 Reference check, it works ?
2022/09/08 | 00:17:06
#22 EP87 資源整合時代的再崛起 The Integrated Era
2022/08/31 | 00:10:33
#23 EP86 見樹又見林的情境描繪學習心法 The effective learning method
2022/08/29 | 00:10:40
#24 EP85 親愛的,別鬧了:小心畫虎不成反類犬 Don’t mess up the powerful tools
2022/08/25 | 00:12:57
#25 EP84 組織內的共犯結構 The interest conflicts within the organization
2022/08/18 | 00:17:05
#26 EP83 「美」力時代 The halo effect
2022/08/14 | 00:13:06
#27 EP82 好書推薦: 賦權 Empowerment Reloaded
2022/08/10 | 00:12:10
#28 EP81 賺的多還是賺的久 ? Quick money or sustainable competitive advantage in our career ?
2022/08/06 | 00:13:06
#29 EP80 如何分析與決策? 整合性思考 The Integrated reasoning thinking
2022/08/03 | 00:17:01
#30 EP79 如何行銷自己?運用在面談求職時的幾個關鍵 Several tips to marketing yourself during the job interview
2022/07/31 | 00:14:28
#31 EP78 工作與人生的大小事 Good Works or Great Works ?
2022/07/29 | 00:13:53
#32 EP77 組織中的騙子、瘋子與傻子 Visionary Leadership, and Paranoid
2022/07/22 | 00:16:12
#33 EP76 你是幾核人才?How many competencies do you have ?
2022/07/20 | 00:15:36
#34 EP75 關於文化再塑與建立 About Culture Shaping
2022/07/17 | 00:14:37
#35 EP74 企業衰敗的徵兆 Several signals when a company decayed
2022/07/14 | 00:15:18
#36 EP73 一起帶著問題來學習吧!Let’s learn in an efficiency way
2022/07/10 | 00:13:35
#37 EP72 如何與Type-A 主管合作? How to be an outstanding subordinate when you have a type-A boss
2022/07/06 | 00:13:08
#38 EP71 凡事都有個盼,期望理論 x 經濟學 x 心理學 The Expectancy Theory, how it impact on your daily life and work
2022/07/02 | 00:14:55
#39 EP70 快慢之間的職涯配速哲學 The tempo in our career life
2022/06/28 | 00:12:57
#40 EP69 YOLO世代的新觀點 The new point of view from YOLO generation
2022/06/25 | 00:10:48
#41 EP68 正念與冥想 How the Positive Thinking Helps Us
2022/06/22 | 00:11:56
#42 EP67 談競爭 About the competition
2022/06/17 | 00:12:58
#43 EP66 成長無捷徑,只有一步一腳印 Developing yourself in a systematic way
2022/06/15 | 00:15:41
#44 EP65 人力資源管理的「未來」思維 Are you a forward-looking HR ?
2022/06/10 | 00:10:12
#45 EP64 老闆們,趕緊寵愛員工吧,但不能溺愛 To favor your employees, but don’t spoil them.
2022/06/07 | 00:16:10
#46 EP63 你成長了嗎?運用G.R.O.W.教練式溝通技巧,進行績效對話與輔導 Using GROW model when conducting performance review dialogue with your associates.
2022/06/01 | 00:12:51
#47 EP62 培訓有用嗎?除了721法則外,我們還應該知道的幾個重要關鍵 Some KSFs related to the training effectiveness, beyond the 721 principal
2022/05/28 | 00:12:34
#48 EP61 你的組織是正規軍還是游擊隊 ?The different HR mind-set and positioning in different companies’ model we should know.
2022/05/25 | 00:16:55
#49 EP60 從PESTEL分析,看未來人才需求趨勢 The career trend in the next decade,from the PESTEL perspective.
2022/05/22 | 00:13:46
#50 EP59 人資長到執行長之路,幾個我們應該要瞭解的事 Is a CHRO the best successor as a CEO ? Sever critical things we need to know
2022/05/18 | 00:14:04
#51 EP58 幾個高效率工作的好習慣 Several high efficiency approaches to complete your daily tasks
2022/05/13 | 00:12:33
#52 EP57 你是老虎還是孔雀?了解四種不同人際風格的互動方法 The communication skill to the 4 different interpersonal types
2022/05/10 | 00:12:01
#53 EP56 媒體的社會責任 The Media’s Social Responsibility
2022/05/06 | 00:09:50
#54 EP55 協助新人適應,降低離職率的小貼士 New Employee Socialization Tips
2022/05/03 | 00:13:33
#55 EP54-1 Twitter 被Musk 收購了~關於併購的看法
2022/04/29 | 00:26:46
#56 EP53 你跟對好主管嗎?從人才遞減效應來看 Is your leader a good leader ? How did he/she treat you ?
2022/04/22 | 00:12:55
#57 EP52 小事情大學問-辦公座位的安排 Office seats arrangement
2022/04/19 | 00:10:43
#58 EP51 關於強迫分配,好用嗎?About the performance appraisal, the force ranking distribution
2022/04/15 | 00:13:11
#59 EP50 面試怎麼問出好問題?The brand new interview framework when recruiting talents
2022/04/12 | 00:14:18
#60 EP49 退休金也會增值 The interest of your pension
2022/04/08 | 00:13:07
#61 EP48 職場必勝秘笈 The everlasting competences in our career
2022/04/06 | 00:14:18
#62 EP47 關於壓力~天下若有難事,只因無心人 About the pressure, how to face the challenge?
2022/04/01 | 00:14:20
#63 EP46 關於高潛力人才 Are you a high-potential talent ?
2022/03/29 | 00:10:11
#64 EP45 運用情境領導理論時,應避免犯下月暈效應的錯誤 Be cautious, do not let the Halo Effect lead you into the wrong way when applying Situational Leadership Theory
2022/03/25 | 00:09:57
#65 EP44 留才的關鍵領導力 The critical leadership to retain your talent
2022/03/23 | 00:12:36
#66 EP43 新上任主管必知的團隊發展四階段 The 4 stages of team development
2022/03/18 | 00:19:26
#67 EP42 運用成人學習理論在企業內部的教育訓練工作實務The adult learning theory
2022/03/15 | 00:12:13
#68 EP41 運用周哈利窗在績效面談上 The Johari Window, make us to be a good leader
2022/03/11 | 00:16:00
#69 EP40 如何讓自己快速成長 How to enhance our capabilities more efficiently
2022/03/08 | 00:15:54
#70 EP39 人人都愛戴高帽,讚美的力量 The Power of praise
2022/03/04 | 00:12:21
#71 EP38 柔軟的力量-談溝通 About communications, the power of softness
2022/03/01 | 00:13:21
#72 EP37 職場上的大智慧 Wisdoms for career success
2022/02/25 | 00:11:16
#73 EP36 從激勵理論聊聊我們工作到底為了什麼 ?Job or career ? How to motivate ourself for a higher view
2022/02/23 | 00:13:05
#74 EP35 職場軟實力 Beyond the hard skill, what-else we should equipped
2022/02/18 | 00:12:20
#75 EP34 當獵頭來敲門 How to interact with headhunter in a proper way
2022/02/15 | 00:16:29
#76 EP33 如何談出好薪水 ? HR 薪資設計與核定大解密 How to propose our compensation package ? From HR compensation design’s perspectives
2022/02/11 | 00:19:48
#77 EP32 從彼得原理與中年危機看晉升 Got promotion ? The Peter principle and midlife crisis
2022/02/08 | 00:09:49
#78 EP31 價格與價值的思考 Value v.s. Price
2022/01/29 | 00:16:32
#79 EP30 如何做好向上管理How to be a good supporter for your boss ?
2022/01/25 | 00:15:11
#80 EP29 搞懂調薪, 獎金,津貼, 晉升的差異、意義與目的,讓你省去麻煩事!The definition & purpose of merit increase, bonus, allowance and promotion
2022/01/19 | 00:14:42
#81 EP28 發財了嗎?獎金與老年給付/舊制退休金有關嗎? Big fortune ? What is the relationship between average salary and your old-age pension ?
2022/01/15 | 00:11:08
#82 EP27 我的薪酬合理嗎 ? What is a Competitive Compensation Package ?
2022/01/09 | 00:19:40
#83 EP26 面試前準備與當天可注意與觀察事項~見微知著 Before interview, some tips for you to well-prepared in advance and what details we can observe on that day
2022/01/03 | 00:17:44
#84 EP25 跳離舒適圈 ? 還是持續增值 ? Jump out your comfort zone or enlarge & add values ?
2021/12/22 | 00:12:14
#85 EP24 從人資看投資 What is a good investment in stock market ? HR’s perspectives
2021/12/16 | 00:21:58
#86 EP23 你滿意今年的投資報酬率嗎 ?What is your ROI of 2021 ? How to increase your ROI in several different approaches
2021/12/14 | 00:14:58
#87 EP22 去或留?我該換工作了嗎? Keep going or resign ? Is it about the time to change my job ?
2021/12/09 | 00:14:33
#88 EP21 打考績了!績效考核面面觀 Time for Performance Appraisal ! The concept of Performance Evaluation
2021/12/06 | 00:18:53
#89 EP20 年輕的一代,你領的到退休金嗎?台灣退休金制度,有幾種?The Pension Benefit System and Policy in Taiwan, the Difference between Old-age Pension Benefits & Labor Pension
2021/08/29 | 00:18:29
#90 EP19 影響個人績效的魔術方程式 P=M x A x O, What are the Critical Factors to Impact Individual Performance ? The Magic Formula, P= M x A x O
2021/08/25 | 00:10:23
#91 EP18 著名心理學實驗之二~畢馬龍效應(Pygmalion Effect)
2021/08/21 | 00:11:00
#92 EP17 著名心理實驗之一~~霍桑效應 The Hawthorn Effect
2021/08/13 | 00:08:25
#93 EP16 人力資源管理的十二堂課~第二課招募與甄選 Systematic Thinking of Talent Selection Tools
2021/08/10 | 00:20:02
#94 EP15 組織績效管理~OKR的成功關鍵要素
2021/08/05 | 00:14:59
#95 EP14 看電影學管理 ~ 動物方城市
2021/08/02 | 00:15:29
#96 EP13 好記易懂又實用的一些魔法數字
2021/07/27 | 00:12:27
#97 EP12『非關人資』之閒聊拿鐵~房事篇
2021/07/24 | 00:17:09
#98 EP11 好書分享~人力資源管理的十二堂課(人資總論與人資策略篇)
2021/07/21 | 00:16:40
#99 EP10 看電影談管理~穿著Prada的惡魔
2021/07/17 | 00:12:26
#100 EP9 招募的謬思~以HR觀點談談企業徵才
2021/07/14 | 00:15:43
#101 EP8 關於開會的543
2021/07/09 | 00:18:04
#102 EP07 找工作~我適合大公司 還是 小公司?哪個比較好 ?
2021/07/06 | 00:13:06
#103 EP06 聊聊員工福利好康爆爆~出國打疫苗 ?
2021/07/03 | 00:14:56
#104 EP05 向人資大師致意~David Olson Ulrich,淺談人資應有的策略高度
2021/06/30 | 00:09:21
#105 EP04 看電視聊管理~火神的眼淚,官僚體系中的不合理
2021/06/25 | 00:23:15
#106 EP03 面試祕技第二弾~自我介紹的重點與關鍵(推薦社會新鮮人必聽!)
2021/06/22 | 00:16:55
#107 EP02 面試祕技大公開第一彈~推薦社會新鮮人必聽!
2021/06/16 | 00:17:14
#108 EP01 如何決定一份適合自己的工作
2021/06/15 | 00:24:56







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