從問題出發 社企翻轉商業競爭思維 | A Call for Open Social Innovation | 唐鳳 Audrey Tang | TEDxTaipei
Why I Love Making Mistakes | 錯,就對了 | 謝怡芬 | Janet Hsieh | TEDxNeihu
中小企業 如何制定「業務持續營運計畫」入門指南?(上) How can SMEs develop a BCP Getting Started Guide? Part 1
How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions | Scott Galloway
該如何看待社會企業與其存在的必要性 Why and how we should care about Social Enterprises. | 宗穎 周 | TEDxFJCUSalon
Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound
How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions | Scott Galloway
Why I Love Making Mistakes | 錯,就對了 | 謝怡芬 | Janet Hsieh | TEDxNeihu
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