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2021/06/08 | Firstory


#1 循環經濟-循環資源-循環低碳技術-Wifi 6 的創新
2022/08/19 | 00:07:10
#2 Future Finance - Europe Situation (Eng) - Invest JPMorgan
2022/08/10 | 00:14:48
#3 支付寶與行動網銀的結合- 免手續費- 開店零成本- 跨國支付也行
2022/08/10 | 00:12:17
#4 地熱2027年產值將超過950億元以上- 綠色能源Invest Taiwan
2022/08/02 | 00:10:20
#5 2021EngMus
2022/07/29 | 01:47:00
#6 Acer宏碁邁向綠科技_比擬Apple永續政策,創造驚人可回收筆電零件. Invest Taiwan
2022/07/29 | 00:09:37
#7 碳交易-印度,中國爭霸-目標2040年完全中和carbs zero - Invest Stock
2022/07/28 | 00:19:22
#8 日本農業困境與轉機- 真菌創造乾淨能源,碳中和,永續循環- Circle Energy,Taiwan and Japan Investment
2022/07/28 | 00:12:35
#9 循環經濟-氫燃料E-Energy-Invest Taiwan , 2050年碳零排放
2022/07/13 | 00:12:28
#10 YSL智能唇膏機-慶祝全球銷量4.2億隻
2022/07/13 | 00:08:12
#11 Macbook選購指南- 影片處理,電池容量,晶片運轉效力翻轉2.7倍以上 Invest Taiwan ,Intel PK Appel
2022/07/08 | 00:10:42
#12 (英音)Iphone13神秘功能大解析- 預約2023年出貨量上看1.6億台- Invest Taiwan 2354鴻準
2022/07/07 | 00:08:09
#13 稀土戰爭-電動車,風力發電製成的契機Invest Taiwan, rare earth
2022/07/06 | 00:04:39
#14 能源加工- 6505台塑化- Invest Taiwan Tech, (Asia)
2022/07/05 | 00:07:54
#15 愛馬仕Hermes蒐藏經驗分享 -Invest Taiwan, Dior, LV
2022/07/04 | 00:15:55
#16 NFT, 虛擬世界 ,投資與虛擬 , Lady Gaga 也瘋狂- Invest World, EU
2022/07/04 | 00:10:25
#17 超越特斯拉,2023年電動車電池儲量翻3倍 Invest Taiwan, High Tech from Germany
2022/07/02 | 00:18:17
#18 雅斯蘭黛2022下半年底妝試用分享 Made in Taiwan
2022/07/01 | 00:14:30
#19 Lancome 蘭蔻真假粉底辨識- Invest Makeup - Taiwan Goods
2022/07/01 | 00:04:44
#20 購物分享-2022下半年必買美妝商品Must-buy beauty products- Taiwan Goods
2022/06/30 | 00:11:03
#21 電動車-氫能-綠能使用Hydrogen battery electric vehicle- Invest Taiwan,Japan,China
2022/06/29 | 00:19:19
#22 DJI- Mini 3 Pro 空拍機Luftbildkamera- Invest Taiwan
2022/06/29 | 00:14:15
#23 GUCCI, Fashion 幼兒穿搭, 流行尖峰, 貴族生活- Lifestory- Designertaschen Modetrend
2022/06/29 | 00:06:39
#24 台灣風力發電- Globale Windenergie - Invest Huge Energy
2022/06/28 | 00:07:23
#25 Porsche Collection ,Invest Taiwan
2022/06/26 | 00:11:52
#26 名牌包2022年必收集款項上集-下集將優先給會員觀看Channel-Dior
2022/06/24 | 00:05:39
#27 Channel , Tokyo, BUY Plan 2023
2022/06/23 | 00:04:07
#28 Agricultural Resources and Innovation農業技術 (Eng) Invest America1231聯華食
2022/06/23 | 00:10:41
#29 電路板專利2023年上市-Invest Germany - 3037欣興
2022/06/22 | 00:06:01
#30 Water
2022/06/21 | 00:04:10
#31 光伏電池- Deutsche neue Energietechnik- PV - Invest Taiwan
2022/06/21 | 00:13:12
#32 Taiwan investiert in grüne Energie環保能源-地熱-2616山隆- 轉投資乾淨能源- 鑽探技術大突破 - 越南運輸物流 Invest
2022/01/29 | 00:09:58
#33 互聯網新突破-駭客經濟學 - 中華電信子公司精測 長期投資 定期存股 提早15年退休 Invest Taiwan
2022/01/29 | 00:12:28
#34 長期投資 存股與不動產快速累積資產 5388中磊 產品營收與插旗科技園區版圖 Invest Taiwan
2022/01/28 | 00:09:23
#35 ESG當紅投資項目(粵語)-五分鐘縱覽-invest Taiwan 2317鴻海跨領域獵地
2022/01/16 | 00:05:25
#36 比特幣投資- 以太坊交易- Invest Taiwan 2376技嘉
2022/01/16 | 00:06:27
#37 光刻機的新應用8942森鉅-Invest Taiwan
2022/01/11 | 00:11:49
#38 2022年能源大飆股- 長期投資關鍵-綠色能源崛起-台商在大陸深根
2021/12/19 | 00:11:50
#39 金融股年漲20%的秘辛- 存股/定存/長期投資 以外的飆股策略- 華南金 invest
2021/12/14 | 00:07:10
#40 (Deutsch)Zukünftige grüne Energieentwicklung-Invest Taiwan2409友達
2021/10/25 | 00:26:58
#41 (中文)丹麥城市設計- 綠能奇蹟3708上緯
2021/10/25 | 00:10:02
#42 (Deutsch) 2022 Analysieren of Germany Economic
2021/10/19 | 00:13:34
#43 (Eng) World Economic War of China and USA, Invest Taiwan RENT
2021/10/19 | 00:11:23
#44 (En) Bike Sram -Evolution of Travel -Invest Taiwan 9921巨大Stock
2021/10/12 | 00:20:33
#45 (中文) 定期定額 年年領股利 投資房地產與股票並行 6177達麗 - Invest Taiwan
2021/10/09 | 00:36:16
#46 (Eng) Car Tire ,Taiwan Best Product, BENZ USE
2021/09/11 | 00:12:47
#47 (中文) 租賃市場 -9941裕融-長期投資-民營貸款Invest Taiwan
2021/09/11 | 00:14:05
#48 (Eng) AIOT研華-台灣高科技模範生Invest Taiwan-Type C
2021/09/01 | 00:14:07
#49 (中文) 蝕刻法大躍進- 金屬切割進入八位元- 2351 順德 Invest Taiwan
2021/08/24 | 00:08:02
#50 (Spn) Benz Motor Repair - 東亞二手回收商- 引擎再製- 1319東陽
2021/08/19 | 00:09:35
#51 (中文) 引擎技術革新-馬力, 省油兼具-總代理利潤提升16% -2204中華
2021/08/19 | 00:11:24
#52 (中文) 肉品加工經濟學 - 1231聯華食 - 肉品經銷商全球拓點
2021/08/16 | 00:12:41
#53 (Eng) Modern Farm Tech -Invest Taiwan 1215卜蜂-農業革新
2021/08/16 | 00:18:20
#54 (中文)模擬槍新商機- 塑膠射出模型-強化矽膠版-1336台翰-Invest Taiwan
2021/08/12 | 00:15:33
#55 (Eng) Dubai Tech - AI-Mode Exhibition
2021/08/12 | 00:08:15
#56 (Eng) Timtos exhibition- CNC 五軸精密切割- 2049上銀,台中精機
2021/08/12 | 00:20:32
#57 (中文) Sony Xperir 1,5,10 New Phone - Line @jqa3557y - 8101
2021/08/04 | 00:06:56
#58 (Eng) QLED of LG,Sony by Taiwan made 3481 群創
2021/08/04 | 00:16:07
#59 (Deutsch) Smart-TV -Invest Taiwan Lichtschranke-2409友達
2021/07/28 | 00:08:09
#60 (Deutsch) Halbleiter und technologische Innovation -Invest Taiwan 2330,6147
2021/07/28 | 00:20:45
#61 (中文) 半導體芯片製造- 全球視野- 科學園區-Invest Taiwan and China
2021/07/28 | 00:19:49
#62 (中文) 封測 芯片 全球半導體科技競爭 _ 6257 矽格 - Invest Taiwan
2021/07/27 | 00:09:05
#63 (中文) 0050ETF長期投資 成分股3711日月光 - Invest Taiwan
2021/07/27 | 00:08:11
#64 (中文) K棒教學系列二 Line @jqa3557y
2021/07/27 | 00:08:31
#65 (Deutsch) Apple Iphone 2021 Technologie -Taiwan Investieren 3189景碩
2021/07/26 | 00:13:55
#66 (Deutsch) Die Saison des elektronischen Versands rückt näher - Anlage- und Finanzmanagement- Taiwan 3037欣賞
2021/07/26 | 00:14:55
#67 (Eng) How SmartPhone made by Taiwan and Korea(Samsung) -Invest
2021/07/22 | 00:10:07
#68 (Spain) Apple Siri, revisión doble de Arcade, experiencia de usuario muy mejorada
2021/07/21 | 00:07:56
#69 (Spain) ¡La función audiovisual y el mando a distancia han vuelto a evolucionar! El uso compartido de funciones de unboxing de Apple TV 4K de segunda generación
2021/07/21 | 00:09:50
#70 (Eng) 小米 Mi11 Xiaomi 11 Awesome camera -Taiwan lens 3008大立光
2021/07/21 | 00:13:07
#71 (Eng) Xiaomi 11 ultra Review defeat Samsung phone? - Lens by Taiwan 3406玉晶光
2021/07/21 | 00:16:55
#72 (Eng) 2021 Singapore Tech Process - Invest Taiwan -partner 2308台達電
2021/07/20 | 00:06:59
#73 (Eng) Xiaomi Tech Device Uses - Invest Taiwan -2454聯發科
2021/07/19 | 00:12:50
#74 (Eng) The Distance from Apple IOS to Tesla Android ,All made by Foxconn- Invest Taiwan 鴻海
2021/07/18 | 00:15:28
#75 (Eng) Apple made from Big Foxconn - Invest Taiwan 2317 鴻海集團
2021/07/18 | 00:06:29
#76 (中文) GoGoRo Pk Kymco 時尚流行與買菜車的差距- 1537 廣隆 工業翹楚
2021/07/18 | 00:13:32
#77 (Eng) Apple M1- How to choose -Invest Taiwan -3374精材
2021/07/16 | 00:12:05
#78 (中文) 碳中和- Apple paper Box- Invest Taiwan- 綠能概念股 1905華紙
2021/07/15 | 00:08:10
#79 (中文) Apple Pay - NFC - Invest Taiwan 2395 研華 行動支付
2021/07/15 | 00:16:48
#80 (中文) Apple Airpods Uses - Invest Taiwan - NoTouch Style 遠距商機
2021/07/14 | 00:11:06
#81 (Eng) Big Apple computer - Invest Taiwan -Line @jqa3557y
2021/07/13 | 00:11:05
#82 (中文) 蘋果Apple晶片代工M1- 台積電2330技術大躍進-Invest Taiwan
2021/07/08 | 00:10:27
#83 (Eng) Tesla Fastly Make Car - Secreat Tech - Invest Taiwan 6239 力成 Fast Key
2021/07/07 | 00:06:32
#84 (Eng) TSMC Builds 3nm for Apple M1 Chips - 台積電接蘋果訂單-投產3nm精密製程工廠
2021/07/05 | 00:12:50
#85 (Eng) China Tech Revolution Changing -科技創新
2021/07/03 | 00:18:27
#86 (中文) 5291 邑昇- PCB跨足工業電腦、車用領域 業績成長39%- Invest Taiwan
2021/07/03 | 00:05:41
#87 (Eng) Invest Apple - Taiwan Industry - printed circuit board-6269台郡
2021/07/02 | 00:09:05
#88 (中文) Type C 資料傳輸快25% 充電速度亦上升32% - 台股投資6411晶焱
2021/07/02 | 00:08:45
#89 (中文) 全家超商新品-上善豆家蔬食- 股票投資1225福懋油
2021/07/01 | 00:10:44
#90 (中文) 品牌故事-麻古- 真誠與茶飲- 股票投資4205中華食
2021/07/01 | 00:08:35
#91 (Eng) Robot Revolution - Invest Taiwan 6189 豐藝 Intelligence Compant
2021/06/29 | 00:09:11
#92 (中文) Tablet Pencil - Apple觸控筆副廠比較- 2409友達面板
2021/06/28 | 00:05:47
#93 (Eng) Xbox and Microsoft Uses - Invest Taiwan Software2376技嘉
2021/06/27 | 00:17:05
#94 (中文) Iphone13 PK Ipad Air 4 - 投資台灣電子處理器3034 欣興
2021/06/26 | 00:21:51
#95 (Eng) Industrial Revolution- Invest Taiwan Tech 6415 矽力
2021/06/26 | 00:17:06
#96 (中文) Cooling Components- Macbook 散熱組件
2021/06/25 | 00:14:56
#97 (Eng) IT Sensor - Invest Taiwan Eletricity Products 2383台光電 感測器EPS上升43%
2021/06/25 | 00:10:54
#98 (中文) PCB新商機- 虎尾幫的盤算 - Invest Taiwan
2021/06/24 | 00:09:50
#99 (Eng) Green Power Transition - Invest Taiwan Solar Industry
2021/06/24 | 00:04:05
#100 (中文) Invest NoteBook - MSI TOP Product 微星筆電
2021/06/23 | 00:07:36
#101 (中文)Gigabyth Invest Taiwan Chip 2376投資處理器
2021/06/23 | 00:14:09
#102 MwdiaTek-2454聯發科
2021/06/21 | 00:11:11
#103 (Eng) Iphone pk Android for Uses -Invest Taiwan Chip 2301光寶科
2021/06/20 | 00:18:11
#104 (中文)Macbook - Invest Taiwan Tech Stock 2303 聯電 -Line @jqa3557y
2021/06/20 | 00:10:23
#105 (中文) Solar Power - Invest Taiwan Industry 6244 茂迪
2021/06/19 | 00:14:02
#106 (Eng) SSD - Invest Taiwan Stock Adata - 台股威剛 3260
2021/06/19 | 00:06:59
#107 (Eng) Charging industry - Invest Taiwan 2308 Delta 台達電
2021/06/19 | 00:11:11
#108 (中文) Imac Apple Invest panel - 群創 Taiwan INNOLUX 3481
2021/06/17 | 00:11:05
#109 (中文)1210 大成 Taiwan invest stock 農產品加工 長期投資
2021/06/16 | 00:03:19
#110 Acer Swift 5 2353 Taiwan notebook invest (中文)
2021/06/15 | 00:04:44
#111 Apple watch eng, 2330 TSM Taiwan invest 2448晶元電
2021/06/15 | 00:10:19
#112 Asus smartphone 2357 TW stock invest 華碩股票投資 中文發音
2021/06/14 | 00:08:22
#113 (Eng) Tesla Auto Invest US Stock
2021/06/14 | 00:32:55
#114 Adata SSD 3260 Taiwan stock Invest
2021/06/14 | 00:04:49
#115 Apple pencil - procreat cheap pencil (中文發音)3413 Taiwan stock京鼎
2021/06/14 | 00:08:00
#116 Apple TV upgrade Google TV - 2379 Taiwan stock瑞昱
2021/06/14 | 00:04:44
#117 Harmony Of The Seas (Englush sound) 郵輪- 和諧號- 海洋商機
2021/06/14 | 00:49:40
#118 2021 Save oil ,全球財經- 綠色產業-節能 renew engine
2021/06/11 | 00:04:00
#119 2458 義隆Q2營收站穩50億元,Q3續漲價反映成本 @jqa3557y- Taiwna Stock- Adjust the selling price
2021/06/11 | 00:04:17
#120 STB- K棒教學- Taiwan Stock Technical Analysis Teaching
2021/06/09 | 00:03:08
#121 矽統攻觸控IC 今年拚轉盈@jqa3557y-Taiwan Touch chip
2021/06/09 | 00:03:07
#122 全球天然氣產業解析@jqa3557y- Global gas manufacturers Taiwan stock
2021/06/09 | 00:03:22
#123 天然氣產業-Line-@jqa3557y- Natural gas industry
2021/06/09 | None


Podcast- Finance ,理財STB





一. 幫助客戶了解自己的財務狀況
二. 建立長久的且穩定獲利的理財目標
三. 依照公司財報來進行投資標的
四. 評估各種理財方式的利與弊


In the future, pure online banking will focus on more convenient deposit, exchange, insurance, trust, wealth management and other services, and will combine AI and big data analysis to more accurately meet customer credit card and loan needs, so that young people, small and medium-sized It is easier for enterprises and rural customers to obtain financial services and achieve the goal of "inclusive finance". In addition to observing the approaches of financially mature regions such as Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan, the specific approach can also be used for financial innovations in other emerging countries and regions, which in fact allows people to enjoy convenient financial services.

Work content of this group:

1. Help customers understand their financial situation
2. Establish long-term and stable and profitable financial goals
3. Make investment targets in accordance with the company's financial report
4. Evaluate the pros and cons of various financial management methods

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