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改變未來的100件事:2023年全球百大趨勢(中英雙語版 Bilingual Edition)

改變未來的100件事:2023年全球百大趨勢(中英雙語版 Bilingual Edition)

作者: 偉門智威
出版社: 偉門智威
出版日期: 2023/03/28
ISBN-13: 9789869899239
書店 1


社區、創造力和色彩充滿活力地描繪了 2023 年

  所有跡像都表明,由於經濟不穩定、政治不穩定和環境惡化持續存在,今年將是黯淡和混亂的一年。然而,面對持續的困難,人們決心表現出韌性、創新和快樂。 Pantone 為其 2023 年度代表色 Viva Magenta 做出了明智的選擇,抓住了一種活潑的情緒:它是“非常規時間的非常規色調”。 Joyconomy今年正在興起,各品牌為所有年齡段的人提供無拘無束的遊戲和模仿扔五彩紙屑感覺的運動課程——請加入我們(揮動雙臂大量)。

  「新科技賦能」或「持續很久的大事件」都是形成趨勢的原因,因為它影響著人們的生活與價值觀,進而形成趨勢浪潮。而這次2023 年「Future 100 改變未來的100 件事」的發行,正是科技與反思的成果。不過,不管環境有多挑戰,我們都可以用更樂觀的態度來擁抱未來!

  Community, creativity, and color vibrantly paint 2023.

  As last year’s unbounded optimism shifts to an exuberant need for uplift and play.

  All signs should point towards a bleak and chaotic year as a rocky economy, political instability, and environmental deterioration persist. However, people are determined to show resilience, innovation, and joy in the face of continued hardship. Pantone’s bright choice for its Color of the Year 2023, Viva Magenta, captures the spritely sentiment: it’s “an unconventional shade for an unconventional time,” the brand says. A joyconomy is in motion this year, with brands offering uninhibited play for all ages (Ageless play) and exercise classes that mimic the feeling of tossing confetti (Joy workout)—sign us up, please (with arms waving profusely).

  “New technologies" and "major, long-lasting events" are two big drivers of new trends because these factors are profoundly changing people's lives and values. The issuance of Future 100 2023 represents exactly the reflection on these events and the technological advancement. However challenging the future will be, I know we can face it and embrace it more optimistically.


文化 Culture
科技 & 元宇宙 Tech & Metaverse
旅遊 & 觀光 Travel & Hospitality
品牌 & 行销 Brand & Marketing
食品 & 飲品 Food & Drink
美容 Beauty
零售 & 商業 Retail & Commerce
奢華 Luxury
健康 Health
工作 Work



偉門智威(Wunderman Thompson)

  2019年,由創立於1864年,世界第一家廣告公司—智威湯遜 (J. Walter Thompson)與全球頂尖數位公司—偉門 (Wunderman)合併而成,隸屬於全球最大傳播集團—WPP。

  以「創意、數據及科技」為核心的偉門智威Wunderman Thompson ,致力於提供客戶最佳生意解決方案。

  偉門智威智庫(Wunderman Thompson Intelligence)負責研究全球趨勢,研究範圍包括:未來趨勢、消費者變化和創新模式,讓讀者能夠更加了解國際趨勢且提供品牌經營、產品服務開發與行銷等方向。

  關於Wunderman Thompson Intelligence
  偉門智威智庫是偉門智威面向未來思考的研究和創新單位,負責觀察剛興起的現象以及未來的全球趨勢、消費型態變化、創新發展模式,進一步解讀這些趨勢後,將其見解提供給品牌參考。偉門智威智庫提供一系列諮詢服務,包含客製化研究、簡報、品牌報告、專題討論,並且勇於創新,與品牌合作,在品牌框架下引領未來趨勢,並執行新產品與概念,本單位由偉門智威智庫全球總監Emma Chiu所帶領。

  WT Taipei粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com/wunthompsontpe/
  WT Taipei Instagram: www.instagram.com/wunthompsontpe/
  WT官方網站: www.wundermanthompson.com/taiwan

  Wunderman Thompson
  In 2019, WPP, the world’s largest communications group, merged its global advertising agency J. Walter Thompson (Found in 1864, the world’s first ad agency) and digital agency Wunderman to form Wunderman Thompson. With “Creativity, Data, and Technology” at its core, Wunderman Thompson is committed to provide clients with the best business solutions.

  Wunderman Thompson Intelligence
  Wunderman Thompson Intelligence is Wunderman Thompson’s futurism, research and innovation unit. It charts emerging and future global trends, consumer change, and innovation patterns—translating these into insight for brands. It offers a suite of consultancy services, including bespoke research, presentations, co-branded reports and workshops. It is also active in innovation, partnering with brands to activate future trends within their framework and execute new products and concepts. It is led by Emma Chiu, Global Director of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence.

  Websites of Wunderman Thompson
  WT Taipei FB: www.facebook.com/wunthompsontpe/
  WT Taipei Instagram: www.instagram.com/wunthompsontpe/
  WT Official Site: www.wundermanthompson.com/taiwan




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