
1 社群共學進行方式
2 問題討論和共享筆記方式
1 Class Overview and Sharing Linguistic Observations
2 Chapter Six Airstream Mechanisms: Ejectives I
3 Ejectives II and Implosives I
4 Implosives II and Clicks I
5 Clicks II
6 Clicks III and States of the Glottis I
7 States of the Glottis and Voice Onset Time I
8 Voice Onset Time II
9 Voice Onset Time III
10 Wrapping up Chapter Six and Exercises
11 Chapter Seven Consonantal Gestures: Articulatory Targets I
12 Articulatory Targets II
13 Dorsal Consonants
14 Stops and Fricatives
15 Trills, Taps, and Flaps I
16 Trills, Taps, and Flaps II and Laterals
17 Wrapping up Chapter Seven and Exercises
18 Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics: Harmonics
19 Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics: Resonance
20 Filter/Source Theory
21 Tube Models
22 Perturbation Theory and Acoustic Analysis I
23 Acoustic Analysis II
24 Acoustics of Consonants I
25 Acoustics of Consonants II and Interpreting Spectrograms I
26 Interpreting Spectrograms II
27 Interpreting Spectrograms III
28 Interpreting Spectrograms IV
29 Individual Differences and Decibels I
30 Decibels II and Exercises for Chapter Eight
31 Cardinal Vowels
32 Vowel-like Articulations and Syllables
33 Wrapping Up Chapter Ten
34 Grand Finale: Special Guest Victor Thibout Demonstrates Khoomei and Undertone Singing    ==> 可回頭觀看「英語語音學一」課程


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