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電磁學 | 台大開放式課程線上共學社群



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1 社群共學進行方式
2 問題討論和共享筆記方式
1 Ch1 Electromagnetism (電磁學) (1)
2 Ch1 Electromagnetism (電磁學) (2)
3 Ch2.Ch3 Vector Calculus (向量微積分) (1)
4 Ch2.Ch3 Vector Calculus (向量微積分) (2)
5 Ch2.Ch3 Vector Calculus (向量微積分) (3)
6 Ch13 Magnetostatics (靜磁學) (1)
7 Ch13 Magnetostatics (靜磁學) (2)
8 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 1 (1)
9 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 1 (2)
10 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 1 (3)
11 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 1 (4)
12 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 2 (1)
13 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 2 (2)
14 Ch14.15 Vector Potential (向量勢) 2 (3)
15 Maxwell Equations (1)
16 Maxwell Equations (2)
17 Maxwell Equations (3)
18 Ch.21 Solutions of Maxwell's Eqs with currents and charges
19 Ch.26 The Potentials and fields for a charge moving with constant velocity and Special theory of Relativity (1)
20 Ch.26 The Potentials and fields for a charge moving with constant velocity and Special theory of Relativity (2)
21 1905, special relativity and Maxwell's equations
22 Ch.25 Electrodynamics in Relativistic Notation
23 Ch.26 Covariant formulation of electrodynamics (1)
24 Ch.26 Covariant formulation of electrodynamics (2)
25 Ch.27 Field energy and field momentum (1)
26 Ch.27 Field energy and field momentum (2)
27 The examples/paradoxes of field energy and momentum (1)
28 The examples/paradoxes of field energy and momentum (2)
29 Ch28 Electromagnetic mass & Lorentz model of electron
30 Radiation field of an arbitrarily moving point charge (1)
31 Radiation field of an arbitrarily moving point charge (2)
32 Radiation of an accelerated point charge / Heaviside formula Synchrotron Radiation (1)
33 Radiation of an accelerated point charge / Heaviside formula Synchrotron Radiation (2)
34 Principle of Least time
35 The origin of Refractive Index
36 Refractive Index of Dense Materials
37 Reflection from Surfaces
38 Fresnel Equations
39 To interfere or not to interfere – polarization and interference
40 Circular Polarization, (A bridge between classical and quantum physics)
41 Faraday Effect and Zeeman Effect
42 The Principle of Least Action (最小作用量原理) 1 (1)
43 The Principle of Least Action (最小作用量原理) 1 (2)
44 The Principle of Least Action (最小作用量原理) 1 (3)
45 The Principle of Least Action (最小作用量原理) 1 (4)
46 Ch19 The Principle of Least Action (最小作用量原理) 2
47 How did Schrodinger Invent Schrodinger Equation
48 創造萬物的奧秘
49 Feynman Path Integral
50 100 years of superconductivity (1)
51 100 years of superconductivity (2)
52 100 years of superconductivity (3)
53 100 years of superconductivity (4)


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