NTU Open Forum for New Intellectuals: The impact of climate on Taiwan’s overall security | 台大開放式課程線上共學社群
1. 新手出發
1. 社群共學進行方式
2. 問題討論和共享筆記方式
2. 課程內容
1. Climate change and global environmental crisis -- Tai-Jen George Chen; Jiunn-Rong Yeh
2. The risk of severe climate change and the environment shaped configuration Taiwan -- Cheng-Shang Lee; Shui-Shang Chi
3. The impact of climate change on the environment and land of the hydrology -- Chin-Shan Huang; Yue-Si Wu
4. The impact of climate change on economic systems -- Huu-Sheng Lu; Daigee Shaw
5. Impact of climate change, energy security Taiwan -- Chi-Yuan Liang; Yun-Ming Wang
6. The impact of climate change on public health -- Gen-Shuh Wang; Hui-Chuan Hsiao
7. The impact of climate change on natural ecosystems -- Pei-Fen Lee; Hsiao-Yu Tom
8. The impact of climate change on national security -- Ching-Pu Chen; Rui-Zhou Hu
9. The risk assessment of the vulnerability of Taiwan’s environment causing by climate change -- Ching-Pin Tung; Liang-Chiuan Chen
10. Monitoring and early warning mechanisms of climate change -- Huang-Xiong Xu; Pei-Fen Lee
11. Climate change and socio-economic analysis of the development and evaluation of the situation -- Huang-Xiong Xu; Daigee Shaw
12. The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy -- Daigee Shaw; Fei-Yu Kuo
13. Adaptation policies with regard to climate change and disaster prevention -- Chang-Tai Tsai; Liang-Chiuan Chen
14. To develop content for the climate of security-related bills -- Tsung-Fu Chen; Zong-Yong Liu
15. In response to climate change, national security, the construction of new thinking -- Tzong-Ho Bau; Qi Su
NTU Open Forum for New Intellectuals: The impact of climate on Taiwan’s overall security | 台大開放式課程線上共學社群
1. 新手出發
1. 社群共學進行方式
2. 問題討論和共享筆記方式
2. 課程內容
1. Climate change and global environmental crisis -- Tai-Jen George Chen; Jiunn-Rong Yeh
2. The risk of severe climate change and the environment shaped configuration Taiwan -- Cheng-Shang Lee; Shui-Shang Chi
3. The impact of climate change on the environment and land of the hydrology -- Chin-Shan Huang; Yue-Si Wu
4. The impact of climate change on economic systems -- Huu-Sheng Lu; Daigee Shaw
5. Impact of climate change, energy security Taiwan -- Chi-Yuan Liang; Yun-Ming Wang
6. The impact of climate change on public health -- Gen-Shuh Wang; Hui-Chuan Hsiao
7. The impact of climate change on natural ecosystems -- Pei-Fen Lee; Hsiao-Yu Tom
8. The impact of climate change on national security -- Ching-Pu Chen; Rui-Zhou Hu
9. The risk assessment of the vulnerability of Taiwan’s environment causing by climate change -- Ching-Pin Tung; Liang-Chiuan Chen
10. Monitoring and early warning mechanisms of climate change -- Huang-Xiong Xu; Pei-Fen Lee
11. Climate change and socio-economic analysis of the development and evaluation of the situation -- Huang-Xiong Xu; Daigee Shaw
12. The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy -- Daigee Shaw; Fei-Yu Kuo
13. Adaptation policies with regard to climate change and disaster prevention -- Chang-Tai Tsai; Liang-Chiuan Chen
14. To develop content for the climate of security-related bills -- Tsung-Fu Chen; Zong-Yong Liu
15. In response to climate change, national security, the construction of new thinking -- Tzong-Ho Bau; Qi Su
Impact of climate change, energy security Taiwan -- Chi-Yuan Liang; Yun-Ming Wang
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