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Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/04/09 | 00:12:26 | SoundOn #arts

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今天的這本書是一本關於外太空出任務的書,是由一位已經退休的太空人Mark Kelly,根據他真實的飛行經驗,再加上一些自己的想像力所完成的故事. 插畫家則是C.F. Payne. 但是大家別猜錯了喔! 故事的主角不是太空人,而是一隻小老鼠. 這隻小老鼠到外太空會發生什麼事情?它能夠達成任務嗎? 讓我們一起來讀這本Mousetronaut.

The book I would like to share with you today is written by a real astronaut. His name is Mark Kelly, and illustrated by C.F. Payne. Author Mark Kelly wrote this book “Mousetronaut” based on his experience in the space shuttle and adds some imagination into it. A teeny- tiny mouse is about to take off and travel into outer space. What is going to happen on his first mission?