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The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/05/14 | 00:17:37 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


三隻小豬的故事大家都不陌生. 在原本故事中的三隻小豬被一隻可怕的大野狼給欺負,還差點成了大野狼的食物. 今天我們要一起讀的書,叫作The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. 這本書的作者是Jon Scieszka,插畫家則是Lane Smith. 在這本書當中,大野狼要幫自己平反一下,告訴讀者,大家都冤枉他了,其實大野狼沒這麼壞,之前流傳的故事其實都是一場誤會. 小朋友,讓我們仔細來聽聽看大野狼的解釋!

I believe most of us have heard the story of the big bad wolf and the three little pigs. Today, we are going to read The True Story of the 3 little Pigs, written by Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith. This time, it’s the wolf’s turn to tell his side of the story as to what happened when he met the three little pigs. According to the wolf, he was not that bad, and he was not doing anything wrong. Will you believe him?