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Creepy Carrots

Creepy Carrots

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/10/22 | 00:15:19 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


萬聖節馬上就要到了,這是最適合講古怪 好笑關於惡作劇故事的時候了! 今天要分享給大家的 Creepy Carrots, 講的是一隻叫 Jasper的兔子非常喜歡吃胡蘿蔔. 但沒想到有一天,他卻疑神疑鬼地發現,自己好像被可怕的胡蘿蔔給跟蹤了! 由作家 Aaron Reynolds插畫家 Peter Brown完成的繪本. 讓我們來一起看看到底發生什麼事情.

Halloween is just right around the corner. It’s often a favorite time of year for some scary stories. The book I would like to share with you, is called Creepy Carrots. Written by Aaron Reynolds, illustrated by Peter Brown. Jasper Rabbit loves carrots, until one day, his favorite treats start following him around. Are they really? Let read this book together to find out.