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The Boy who went to Mars

The Boy who went to Mars

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2023/06/03 | 00:17:39 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby要分享給大家的,是一本充滿想像力的繪本, The Boy who went to Mars. Stanley的媽媽因為工作要出差過夜, Stanly心裡不開心,就決定他要離開地球到火星探險. 他給自己打造了一個太空船,從後院升空前往火星,沒想到等到太空船回到地球,竟然出現了一個外星人.這個外星人到底是誰啊? 讓我們一起來解開這個謎團. 這本書是由Simon James完成的繪本.

The boy who went to Mars, is a great book full of imagination. Stanley was upset that his mother has left on an overnight work trip. So he decides that he is going to leave planet Earth and go to Mars. He builds a rocket ship in the backyard and blasts off. When the rocket ship returns, an alien has come to take the place of Stanley. What is going to happen with this alien in the house? Let’s read this book together, written and illustrated by Simon James.