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The Storm Whale

The Storm Whale

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2023/05/20 | 00:09:31 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天要跟大家介紹的繪本是由Benji Davies 完成的The Storm Whale. 描寫的是一個小男孩 Noi, 跟他的父親, 還有一隻鯨魚的故事. 暴風雨過後,一隻小鯨魚被沖上岸了, Noi想要照顧小鯨魚,於是悄悄地把鯨魚帶回家放在浴缸裡面. 但是這個秘密可以瞞多久? 爸爸會不會發現呢?

The Storm Whale, by Benji Davies, is a heartwarming story of a boy Noi, his father, and his unexpected encounter with a cetacean visitor, a whale. Noi is excited and wants to take the whale home. How can Noi keep this secret without his Dad finding out?