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The Brownstone

The Brownstone

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2023/04/08 | 00:21:36 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天要跟大家分享的,也是一本Miss Debby非常喜歡的繪本. 叫做”The Brownstone.” 在紐約市中心裡面的Brownstone公寓裏面. 住了六種不同的動物. 冬天要到了,灰熊一家人準備要開始冬眠, 但是來自不同鄰居的噪音,氣味,讓灰熊一家沒辦法好好睡覺. 這六種不同的動物,要怎麼協調才能夠好好地在同一棟公寓裏面相處呢? 聰明的房東,貓頭鷹先生會不會想出好方法呢? 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Paula Scher,插畫家Stan Mack完成的繪本, The Brownstone.

Living in harmony with your neighbors is not always easy, especially if you're a bear living in an apartment, getting ready to hibernate, meaning taking a very long winter nap. You get noise, odors, and menacing neighbors to deal with. Happily, the wise owl landlord rearranges everybody so all the animals can live in peace. Let’s read this warm and funny story, the Brownstone, written by Paula Scher, illustrated by Stan Mack.