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The Sandwich Swap

The Sandwich Swap

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/06/18 | 00:16:14 | SoundOn #arts

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今天我想要介紹給大家的 The Sandwich Swap是由約旦王后 Rania Al Abdullah,與作家 Kelly Dipucchio,插畫家 Tricia Tusa一起完成的繪本. 書的內容是取材於約旦王后童年時的親身經歷. 書中的主角Lily 與Salma是無話不談的好朋友,每天中午都會一起吃午餐聊天. 有一天,她們竟然為了彼此的午餐,大吵了一架,還引發了一場食物大戰? 生氣的兩個人還能繼續當朋友嗎?

The Sandwich Swap is the book we will be reading today. Queen of Jorden, Rania Al Abdullah and writer Kelly Dipucchio along with illustrator Tricia Tusa, tell a story inspired by Queen Rania’s childhood experience. In this story, Lily and Salma are best friends and they always eat lunch together at school. One day, they begin to argue over who has the tastier sandwich, and things instantly go out of control, they even start a fight. What’s going to happen between Lily and Salma?