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Mrs. Mole, I'm Home!

Mrs. Mole, I'm Home!

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/06/25 | 00:14:03 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby要來分享一本有趣好笑的繪本叫做 Mrs. Mole, I'm Home. 是由作者 Jarvis完成的. 在辛苦工作一天之後,鼴鼠先生Morris滿心期待地要回家跟鼴鼠太太還有鼴鼠寶寶們相聚. 但是鼴鼠先生怎麼也找不到他的眼鏡,看不到回家的路. 他只好憑著自己的直覺,拼命挖地道回家! 你們覺得鼴鼠先生能順利找到回家的路嗎? 讓我們一起來看看鼴鼠先生到底會挖洞挖到哪裡去!

Mrs. Mole, I'm Home, is the book I would like to share with you today. This is a cute and funny story by Jarvis. Morris Mole cannot wait to go home after a long day at work. There is just one problem, he lost his glasses so he cannot find his way home. The only thing he can do is to burrow home. Will he ever make it home?