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The Bear and the Piano

The Bear and the Piano

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/09/10 | 00:16:43 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby 想要跟大家一起讀的, 書名是The Bear and the Piano. 文字和圖畫都是由David Litchfield 完成的. 森林裡的小熊偶然發現了一個他從沒見過的東西,按下去竟然還會發出奇怪的聲音. 沒想到,一年一年過去了,小熊變成了大棕熊,奇怪的按鍵在他手中也變成了美麗的旋律. 大棕熊被帶到了城市裡面表演,每場表演都吸引了好多的觀眾. 但是遠離家鄉的大棕熊,卻開始思念起森林裡面的家人和朋友! 他會怎麼選擇呢? 留在城市裡面繼續表演? 還是回到森林,回到心愛的家人跟朋友身邊呢?

The Bear and the Piano is what we will be reading today. Written and illustrated by David Litchfield. One day, a bear cub finds something strange in the forest. When he touches the keys, they make a horrible noise. Years after years, he learns to play beautiful sounds and becomes a great pianist. But his journey to pursue his dream also leads him away from his families and friends. He eventually decides to return home, but will his friends have forgotten all about him?