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The Boy and the Whale

The Boy and the Whale

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/03/13 | 00:16:39 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天的這本書The Boy and the Whale,作家跟插畫家是Mordicai Gerstein. 這本書的靈感是來自作家Mordicai Gerstein,有一天在YOUTUBE上面,看了一部在海洋中拯救鯨魚的紀錄片而寫出來的故事. 故事中的小男孩跟著爸爸出海,卻看到了一隻被魚網困住的大鯨魚. 大鯨魚活著嗎? 小男孩該怎麼辦嗎? 讓我們一起讀這本書.

The Boy and The Whale is the book we will be reading together today. It is written and illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein. The book is inspired by a video the author saw of an actual whale rescue. In this story, a boy is trying to save a whale after he found a whale is entangled in his father's fishing net. Is the whale still alive? Can this boy save the big creature?