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That Fruit is Mine

That Fruit is Mine

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/03/25 | 00:14:08 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby要跟大家一起讀的書,是一本很可愛的繪本,叫做That Fruit is Mine.文字和圖畫都是由Anuska Allepuz完成的.
這本書描述的是在叢林當中的五隻大象,有一天發現了一顆他們從來沒有見過的果樹,樹上的水果看起來又大又甜,每隻大象都覺得自己最聰明,都想把這棵果樹占為己有. 到底是哪隻大象能夠如願以償呢?讓我們一起讀下去.
The book I would like to share with you today is a very funny book about teamwork. It’s called “That Fruit is Mine.” Written and illustrated by Anuska Allepuz. When 5 elephants discover a new delicious fruit at the top of a very tall tree, all of them call out that fruit is theirs. But will any of the elephant get the fruit? Or will someone else in the jungle sneak away with it instead?