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The Monsters’ Monster

The Monsters’ Monster

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/10/29 | 00:18:43 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


住在山頂上的三個小怪物最喜歡搗蛋惡作劇搞破壞.他們三個人每天都在爭論誰是世界上最厲害的怪物. 直到有一天,他們決定要一起製造一個無人能敵,最可怕,最凶狠體型最大的怪物. 到底這個最最最厲害的怪物會長什麼樣子呢? 讓我們一起來讀由 Patrick McDonell完成的繪本The Monsters’ Monster.

Three little monsters love to CRASH!, BASH!, and SMASH! Every day they argue over who is the best monster, until they join forces to "make the biggest, baddest monster EVER! But this big, big monster may not be exactly who they were expecting. Written and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell. Let’s read this book, The Monsters’ Monster.