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A Peacock Among Pigeons

A Peacock Among Pigeons

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/11/12 | 00:19:17 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


Peter是一隻漂亮的孔雀,但是不知道怎麼回事,從出生,Peter就跟著一群鴿子一起長大. 我們從外觀可以看出來孔雀跟鴿子非常不同,孔雀的體型比鴿子大很多,而且鴿子是灰色的,孔雀卻有著五顏六色的羽毛. 就因為這些不同,生長在鴿子堆裡的孔雀Peter,常常被嘲笑. 這本 A Peacock Among Pigeons 的繪本,由作家Tyler Curry, 插畫家 Clarione Gutierrez完成. 就要帶我們來聽聽Peter的故事.

Peter the peacock doesn't know how it happened, but he found himself growing up in a flock of pigeons. We know that peacocks are very different from pigeons, they are colorful, they are bigger in size compared to pigeons. With all these differences, it’s just so hard for Peter to fit in with the grey pigeons who constantly make fun of Peter the peacock. A peacock among pigeons, Written by Tyler Curry and illustrated by Clarione Gutierrez. Let’s find out what Peter will do and how Peter stands out for himself.