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Telling Stories Wrong

Telling Stories Wrong

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2023/04/01 | 00:09:29 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


小紅帽的故事大家都聽過吧! 有一天, 爺爺在客廳裡跟他的小孫女講起了小紅帽的故事,但是,講故事的過程當中, 錯誤連篇, 漏洞百出! 你能夠聽出來哪裡不對勁嗎? 讓我們一起來讀這本由作家Gianni Rodari, 插畫家Beatrice Alemagna完成的 Telling Stories Wrong. 這是一本幽默搞笑有趣的繪本.

Telling stories wrong, written by Gianni Rodari, illustrated by Beatrice Alemagna, is a humorous story of a grandfather retelling ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to his granddaughter, but he keeps getting important details wrong. Can you call out all the wrong parts? Let’s read this silly and funny book together.