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Max at Night

Max at Night

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2023/03/11 | 00:13:34 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


晚上睡覺的時間到了! 小黑貓Max準備就緒,要上床了. 睡覺前他想要跟月亮說聲晚安,卻怎麼也看不到月亮. 月亮到底去哪裡呢? Max跋山涉水,他能找到月亮嗎? 讓我們一起來讀這本Max at Night, 由作家Ed Vere完成的繪本.

Max is a cat, who doesn't always know the basics about being a cat. One night, Max is tired and ready for bed, but when he can't find the moon to say goodnight to, he sets out to find it. But that's not as easy as Max had hoped. Can Max find the moon? Written and illustrated by Ed Vere. Let’s read this book together, Max at night.