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Giggle Giggle Quack

Giggle Giggle Quack

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/07/23 | 00:11:13 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


大家還記得我們之前一起讀的 Click Clack Moo Cows That Type這本書嗎? 今天Miss Debby要分享的Giggle Giggle Quack, 一樣也是由作家Doreen Cronin 以及插畫家Betsy Lewin完成的,好笑的程度跟 Click Clack Moo Cows That Type不相上下. 這次,農場主人Farmar Brown要去度假,因此拜託了自己的兄弟Bob來照顧農場裡的動物,聰明的鴨子找到了一枝筆,靠著這枝筆把Bob耍得團團轉. 讓我們一起來看看農場裡這回會發生什麼事情?

I hope you guys enjoy the book Click Clack Moo Cows That Type we read together couple of months ago. Today, we are going to read another hilarious story, Giggle Giggle Quack, also by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. The owner Farmar Brown is taking a vacation and he asked his brother Bob to take care of the barn and the animals. This time, Duck found a pencil and is in charge with all kinds of interesting instructions. You don’t want to miss this story.