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Super Manny Stands Up

Super Manny Stands Up

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/04/23 | 00:13:32 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby要跟大家分享的這本Super Manny Stands Up,是一本關於勇氣跟對抗霸凌的故事. 作者是Kelly Dipucchio,插畫家是Stephanie Graegin. 書中的主角Manny放學之後,都會假裝自己是超級英雄,穿上不同顏色的披風,打擊各式各樣的怪獸敵人. 在他心中,這些披風都是他勇氣跟超能力的來源. 有一天在學校裡面,他看到了有一個高壯的同學正在欺負一位瘦小的新同學. 你們覺得Manny會怎麼做呢?

Super Manny Stands Up is a wonderfully written story of courage, imagination and friendship. It is written by Kelly Dipucchio and illustrated by Stephanie Graegin. Every day after school Manny put on a different super-hero cape and defeated the enemies summoned up by his imagination. Then one day, in the school lunchroom, he witnessed the Tall One bullying the Small One. What will Manny do? Will he stand up for the small one?