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The Kissing Hand

The Kissing Hand

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/05/07 | 00:12:30 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天我們要一起讀的是作家Audrey Penn寫的 The Kissing Hand,插畫家是Ruth E. Harper 與 Nancy M. Leak. 小浣熊Chester要準備去上學了,你們還記得要上學前的心情嗎? 是緊張,害怕,還是期待呢? 小浣熊Chester跟大部分的我們都一樣,面對新的環境,有點緊張. 但是浣熊媽媽告訴了Chester一個秘密,一個讓Chester感到安心充滿勇氣的好方法. 這個方法是什麼呢?

The book we will be reading together today, is “The Kissing Hand.” Written by Audrey Penn, and illustrated by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak. Do you still remember how you feel before the first day of school? Nervous? Anxious? Scared? Chester Racoon does not want to go to school because he feels the same way as you do. But Mrs. Racoon shares a family secret with Chester. Will that help Chester and ease his fear?