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The Witch's Children

The Witch's Children

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/07/16 | 00:14:23 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天要和大家分享的The Witch’s Children這本書 是由作家 Ursula Jones以及插畫家 Russell Ayto完成的. 在好多的童話故事裡面,女巫都有神奇的魔法,但女巫的小孩會有什麼樣的法力呢? 在這本書當中,女巫的三個小孩有一天到了公園,原本是好心想要幫忙的它們,沒想到卻越幫越忙,製造了更多的麻煩. 最後會是誰來解救大家呢?

The Witch’s Children is the book I would like to share with you today, Written by Ursula Jones, and illustrated by Russell Ayto. We all know that Witches have special power, but what about witch’s children? One day, the witch’s children go to the park, they try to help with their magic but end up causing some trouble. Who will be the best person to save the day and reverse all the damage?