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It Could Have Been Worse

It Could Have Been Worse

Miss Debby's Joy Book Club

2022/07/30 | 00:12:53 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天Miss Debby想要跟大家分享的 "It Could Have Been Worse"是由作家 AH Benjamin插畫家 Tim Warnes完成的. 小老鼠在回家的路上,一下子摔到洞穴裡,不一會又掉到小河裡,覺得自己倒楣透了!但是他沒發現,跟在他身後動物,為了要捕捉小老鼠,結果比小老鼠碰到情況還要糟糕. 到底發生哪些事情呢?

It Could Have Been Worse is the book I would like to share with you today. Written by AH Benjamin, illustrated by Tim Warnes. This book is about a mouse who experiences a really awful day on his way home. However, he doesn't realize that the predators trying to eat him have an even worse day as the little mouse escapes and they fall into harmful scenarios. The little mouse learns that even though he had a bad day it could have been worse.