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覺之-EP2 《引導照亮內在:啟迪覺察力的心靈探索》

覺之-EP2 《引導照亮內在:啟迪覺察力的心靈探索》

Beyond Mind 覺之

2023/05/18 | 00:27:14 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


叫做「覺啟空間」 能隔絕一切來自外界的干擾與共振

所以今天的你 好好關心過自己了嗎?

“Nurturing Inner Awakening: Unveiling the Power of Consciousness through Mindful Exploration”

Within the bustling and clamorous city lies a distinctive place called the "Beyond Mind Space", where one can delve into their innermost being.
It isolates all external distractions and resonances, bringing everything back to the fundamental self with positive energy and enhancing inner awareness.
So, have you taken the time to truly care for yourself today?