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2022/09/30 | 00:34:01 | SoundOn #business

Play Episode


Choose investment targets from an analyst's point of view

今天我們再次邀請到已深耕台灣投資人關係(Investor Relations, IR)領域達10年之久的瑪亞投資(Markis Capital)董事長蔡鴻德(Teddy Tsai)來到我們節目現場。 分析師出身的Teddy跟我們分享他如何用法人的思維和從公開資訊裡去找出好的投資標的,在不好的大環境該如何選擇投資標的。

Today, we once again invite Teddy Tsai, Chairman of Markis Capital, to the show. Teddy has been deeply involved in the field of Investor Relations (IR) in Taiwan for 10 years. Teddy, who was previously an equity analyst, shares with us how to think like an institutional investor to find good investment targets from public information, and how to choose investment targets in a bear market.