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EP04 | 在衰退的市場永續發展產業是穩定報酬的好投資嗎?

EP04 | 在衰退的市場永續發展產業是穩定報酬的好投資嗎?


2022/07/15 | 00:35:48 | SoundOn #business

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永續發展產業會是這經濟衰退中好的投資項目嗎?台灣有綠色能源的未來嗎? 本週,我們與信實資產管理的合夥人彭俊豪 Steven討論這個話題,並分析台灣當前的綠色能源政策和投資機會。 Steven 之前是國泰投信綠能私募基金的負責人。 我們很高興 Steven 能在這週的 podcast 上與我們分享他在綠能投資方面的豐富經驗。

Are sustainable industries a good investment in this recession? Does Taiwan have a green energy future? This week, we discuss this topic with Steven Peng, Partner at Trust Capital Asset Management, and analyze current green energy policies and investment opportunities in Taiwan. Steven was previously the head of Cathay Pacific Investment Trust Green Energy Private Equity Fund. We are delighted that Steven is sharing his extensive experience of investing in green energy with us on this week's podcast.

訂閱我們的YT : https://reurl.cc/e3Rkqj
Apple podcast:https://reurl.cc/Xj1QKD