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2022/11/04 | 00:26:41 | SoundOn #business

Play Episode


今天我們邀請到了康和投顧總經理黃詣庭Barry Huang,他透過總體經濟研究及宏觀策略,能給予更多投資人更多不同面向的投資建議。康和投顧為國內最早進軍境外基金總代理的業者之一,代理之「KBI 替代能源解決方案基金」連續第三年榮獲「天然資源股票基金三年期獎」。讓專家教我們在熊市我們該如何投資?

On our show today is Barry Huang, President of Concord Capital Management, here to share their macroeconomic research and outlook to investors. Concord Capital Management is one of the earliest companies in Taiwan to distribute and sell foreign mutual funds. The "KBI Global Energy Transition Fund" it distributes has won awards for the best natural resources fund in Taiwan. Barry’s experience will hopefully teach you how to invest in a bear market.