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EP17 |2023年越南能維持經濟快速成長嗎?

EP17 |2023年越南能維持經濟快速成長嗎?


2022/10/14 | 00:27:04 | SoundOn #business

Play Episode


Can Vietnam sustain rapid economic growth in 2023?

2023年越南央行的政策會是什麼?2023 年越南經濟會如何發展呢?越南在全球經濟衰退和升息通膨的影響能有一樣的經濟成長嗎?再次我們邀請到了郭東霖(Tony Kuo)來到我們節目. Tony在越南金融業界20多年,是許多外商及越南本土銀行的首席顧問,協助外商銀行深耕越南。幫助了許多越南本土企業經營管理及財務規劃。 我們聽聽他專業的分析。
What will be the policy of the Vietnam Central Bank in 2023? What is Vietnam's economic outlook in 2023? Can Vietnam have the same economic growth as recession, rising interest rates, and inflation impact the world? Once again, we invite Tony Kuo to our program. Tony has been in Vietnam’s financial industry for more than 20 years. He is the chief consultant to many foreign and local banks in Vietnam, assisting foreign banks to deepen their development in Vietnam. He also helped many local Vietnamese enterprises in their management and financial planning.