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EP08 | 物聯網退燒了嗎?產業的發展趨勢如何?

EP08 | 物聯網退燒了嗎?產業的發展趨勢如何?


2022/08/13 | 00:39:44 | SoundOn #business

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及上海復旦大學管理碩士的亞力通訊總經理柯伯文(Albert Ke),讓我們更了解物聯網產業。
物聯網之前炒作了很久,就IoT的實際實施而言, 它到底目前發展的到哪裡?台灣公司做物聯網的硬體廠商和數據分析的軟體公司有什麼競爭力。接下來的5G 物聯網會為我們生活帶來什麼改變? 我們投資應該注意什麼?
Our guest today is Albert Ke, President of Allis Communications, who received MBAs from both National Taiwan University and Shanghai’s Fudan University. Albert is here to answer our questions regarding the Internet of Things (IoT), which has been hyped for a long time. But where are we now in terms of the actual implementation of IoT? What competitiveness do Taiwanese companies have as IoT hardware manufacturers and data analysis software companies? What changes will the next 5G IoT bring to our lives? And most importantly, what should we pay attention to when investing in this sector?