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2022/08/06 | 00:34:50 | SoundOn #business

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這幾天台海情勢不安,聽說烏克蘭打戰時很多人不是帶黃金逃難,而是帶著虛擬貨幣。 虛擬貨幣跌了那麼深了會泡沫化嗎? 還是是進場的好時機?虛擬貨幣要如何投資?

今天我們邀請到了BitShine營運長 劉岳軒Samuel,曾任東吳大學資管系講師,熟悉科技與區塊鏈的產品與產業發展。幫我們更了解虛擬貨幣區塊鏈的投資,揭開那神秘面紗,讓我們更了解投資的風險和虛擬貨幣的優勢和安全性。也幫上週留言的粉絲們解答~~~

The Taiwan Strait has been tense in the past few days. There are rumors many people left Ukraine not with gold, but with virtual currency, as ware broke out with Russia. Are virtual currencies currently in a bubble? Or is it a good time to get in? And how do you invest in virtual currencies?

BitShine’s Chief Operating Officer Samuel Liu, who is also a lecturer at Soochow University, joins us to help us better understand virtual currencies and blockchain technology, by uncovering the mysteries, investment risks, advantages, and security of virtual currencies. We also help ask questions posted by listeners last week for Sam to answer ~~~