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EP10 |在不穩定的市場找出能穩定成長的投資標的

EP10 |在不穩定的市場找出能穩定成長的投資標的


2022/09/02 | 00:23:15 | SoundOn #business

Play Episode


Finding stocks that can grow steadily in a volatile market

我們再次請到了美國紐約大學碩士、美國麻省理工學院雙碩士,合庫投信投資長陳信嘉Henry。 動盪不安的投資市場,通膨、升息因素,投資人如何讓自己的資金能好獲利有能穩定成長? 在不安定中尋找讓自己安心的投資標的。
Finding stocks that can grow steadily in a volatile market

We once again invited Henry Chen, the Chief Investment Officer of Taiwan Cooperative Mutual Funds, who holds a double master's degree from NYU and MIT. In this turbulent investment market, rising inflation, and interest rate hikes, how can investors make their portfolios profitable and stable? Henry discusses with us how to find investment targets that is reassuring during times of uncertainty.