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EP16 |無限潛能的越南投資商機

EP16 |無限潛能的越南投資商機


2022/10/07 | 00:32:46 | SoundOn #business

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Vietnam’s unlimited potential and investment opportunities

這次我們邀請到了郭東霖(Tony Kuo)來到我們節目. Tony在越南金融業界20多年,是許多外商及越南本土銀行的首席顧問,協助外商銀行深耕越南。幫助了許多越南本土企業經營管理及財務規劃。 Tony 在節目中讓我們更深入了解越南金融脈動,及如何投資這個有無限潛力的市場掌握投資商機。
This time, we have invited Tony Kuo to our program. Tony has been working in Vietnam’s financial industry for more than 20 years. He is the chief consultant to many foreign and domestic banks in Vietnam. He assists foreign banks to deepen their development in Vietnam. Tony also helped many local Vietnamese enterprises with their management and financial planning. Tony is on the show to provide us with a deeper understanding of Vietnam’s financial market and how to invest in this emerging country with its unlimited potential and investment opportunities.