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EP02 初入交友叢林的小白兔 / Online Dating Tips for Beginners

EP02 初入交友叢林的小白兔 / Online Dating Tips for Beginners

三十好禍 / Facing the swerve in your 30s

2021/08/03 | 00:40:19 | Firstory #society-culture

Play Episode


我們聽到大家敲碗的聲音了~~~ 第二集上傳嘍!



1) 小魚小蝦
2) 80/20 原則
3) 1個手掌 5根手指理論

1) 腥羶色say no
2) 貪
3) 不用在意他人眼光
4) 不要太投入

How can I date online effectively?
1) Make sure you are ready to start dating
2) The exploration of swiping right
3) True love with no drama
4) Time Management
5) Share everything about your new dates to your bestie
The 3 principles:
1) Be open minded on every potential match
2) 80/20 Principle – Focus on people who have more productive potential rather
than close minded people.
3) Out with old, in with new
The 4 safety tips:
1) Say no in difficult situations
2) Avoid online dating scams (particularly with regards to money).
3) Just be yourself
4) Stop being emotionally invested

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