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5 星巴克老闆給你的一封信:  一起突破困難,共創未來好嗎?

5 星巴克老闆給你的一封信: 一起突破困難,共創未來好嗎?


2022/04/14 | 00:16:33 | SoundOn #business

Play Episode


1. 星巴克創辦人霍華‧舒茲(Howard Schultz)2022年4月4日回歸,因為面臨到大挑戰,寫了一封信給大家
2. 1987年,舒茲入主星巴克時,它只有11家店和約100位員工;僅4年,星巴克上市,如今有超過3 萬4,000家門店,2021財年營收超過291億美元,是服務業的標竿
3. 星巴克以關心員工著稱,大家以「夥伴」相稱 ,以人為本。我們可學習星巴克如何團結員工,打造命運共同體,將群體利益與個人利益結合-共有願景(vision)、使命(mission)、價值觀(value)
4. 一起來學CEO如何思考、如何寫打動人的信,也可看出疫情下服務業局勢,看看大老闆做些甚麼
5. 中文信(from 星巴克公司,中文翻譯新浪網)
April 4, 2022



我要做的第一件事,就是多花時間和夥伴們待在一起。去激勵大家發聲。去瞭解我們為了成為這樣的公司,已經在做的一切;去創造;去直面挑戰。我希望我們中的每個人,都能做到彼此坦誠,共擔重任,去創造這家公司的未來。 我們的願景,是重新勾畫打造一家前所未有、富有使命感的公司。我們創造價值,是因為這家公司就是為了與我們之中的每一個人、與我們所有利益相關方分享成功而設計的;為了我們的每一位夥伴,每一位顧客,每一個社區,為了我們的地球,為了每一位股東。


  • 未來幾周中,我將與領導團隊一起,去往世界各地的門店和工廠,與夥伴們見面。我希望傾聽你們的所思所想,一起討論如何塑造新一代的星巴克。*
  • 除此之外,我們還將邀請公司內各層級夥伴們參與一系列討論,一起探索如何在這樣一個日漸多元的時代,創造一個共同繁榮的未來。這些討論,將是我們作為一個集體,所嘗試過的最深度的共創形式。*



6. 英文信(from 星巴克公司)
April 4, 2022
Message from Howard Schultz: On the Future of Starbucks (from Starbucks)
Dear Starbucks partners (employees), customers, communities and shareholders,
I love Starbucks. Many of you do, too. We all have a stake in our future. It is something we all share. And this serves as an invitation to come build it.
This is my first note on the job as I return as ceo.
Our company, like many companies, is facing new realities in a changed world. Pinched supply chains, the decimation caused by COVID, heightened tensions and political unrest, a racial reckoning and a rising generation which seeks a new accountability for business.
As Starbucks, we can either choose to rise to this moment — or stand idle.
I am returning to the company to work with all of you to design that next Starbucks — an evolution of our company deep with purpose, where we each have agency and where we work together to create a positive impact in the world. 
My first work is to spend lots of time with partners. To lift up voices. To see everything that is already in play to help us become this kind of company. To invent. To face challenges — and for us each to be transparent with one another and become accountable for building the future of our company. 
Our vision is to once again reimagine a first-of-a-kind for-purpose company in which the value we create ­— for each of us as partners, for each of us as customers, for our communities, for the planet, for shareholders — comes because our company is designed to share success with each of us and for the collective success of all our stakeholders. 
Today, I’m outlining some first, essential steps:
Starting immediately, we are suspending our share repurchasing program. This decision will allow us to invest more profit into our people and our stores — the only way to create long-term value for all stakeholders.
In the weeks ahead, I will be traveling, along with our leaders, to connect with partners in our stores and manufacturing plants around the world to understand your thinking and ideas about how to build this next Starbucks.
And beyond, we will then engage in design sessions with partners of all levels across the organization to co-create a future of mutual thriving in a multi-stakeholder era. We see these sessions as the deepest form of inventing together we’ve ever attempted as a community.
This will get us started in the right next direction. 
I look forward to this next chapter.
Onward, together,