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Connecting with Tibetan & Uyghur Communities

Connecting with Tibetan & Uyghur Communities


2022/02/13 | 01:16:45 | SoundOn #arts

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北京冬奧開幕前夕,我們很高興邀請到Mr. Mehmet Tohti對談,他目前擔任Executive Director of the Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project,數十年來與加拿大各級政府交涉關切維族議題,支持維吾爾人權不遺餘力,而他談及受到中共的迫害也令人動容。我們談到各國對於北京冬奧的杯葛、中亞五國對維吾爾的態度、中國政府販售維吾爾人器官、設立集中營、屠殺百萬維族人民、強迫節育等種種反人類罪行、加拿大政府的中國政策,以及台灣政府的角色的各種議題,特別適合在北京冬奧時節觀看。
The front and center of topics are surely but not limited to the upcoming #boycotting #BeijingOlympics and how the minorities, like Mehmet Tohti and Sunny Sonam, conduct their activism in Canada as they look back and into the future.