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EP.06 媽媽不哭不哭,眼淚是珍珠 ft. 王懷恩(lamu)

EP.06 媽媽不哭不哭,眼淚是珍珠 ft. 王懷恩(lamu)


2021/07/10 | 00:15:22 | Firstory #arts

Play Episode


  • Q&A: 為什麼每集後面都有祝禱詞?
  • 布農古調(仁愛鄉卓社): Nuin tina honku
  • 母親的織布經驗: 平凡之中帶有的不易與珍貴
  • 二弟Lamu 母語改編創作: 從前在部落裡
  • 歡迎加入「霖卡夫臉書社團」


makasang mas tacinicini min mamantuk tu minuni kulusciang
isia mas mita tu sinihumis cin uaizan mas kilistu tu kaiansuman
ni kata mapising

內有贊助連結 : https://open.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077/platforms
留言 : https://open.firstory.me/story/ckpbwep4omb4r0874xesrmnxi?m=comment
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com

來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)

Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧 

Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.

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