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阿里山國家風景區管理處 Alishan National Scenic Area Administration


2021/09/01 | Firstory


#1 EP06 瑞里線-【金獅奉茶亭】金獅歷史,茶趣之旅!
2022/05/22 | 00:10:26
#2 EP07 英文版-【Historical treasures of Alishan】Explore the cultural trace and railway through your journey !
2022/01/15 | 00:08:30
#3 EP05 瑞里線-【文峰遊客中心】「文峰」而至,遊出新玩意!
2022/01/09 | 00:07:05
#4 EP06 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】搭乘阿里山小火車,跟我們一起走逛神木景點吧!
2022/01/01 | 00:05:43
#5 EP06 英文版-【Family Trip in Alishan】Create precious memories with your kids!
2021/12/25 | 00:07:34
#6 EP04 瑞里線-【竹崎車站】追「竹」森林,一「崎」品嘗!
2021/12/18 | 00:09:19
#7 EP05 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】你看!火車來了!快跟我去鐵道上的十字村吧~
2021/12/11 | 00:08:25
#8 EP05 英文版-【Brew the tea of Alishan】 An in-depth tour for tea culture and the passion in Taiwanese heart
2021/12/04 | 00:06:39
#9 EP03 瑞里線-【紫屬於你】紫藤花賞花秘笈大公開!
2021/11/29 | 00:08:32
#10 EP04 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】跟我們一同探索奮起湖,先從趴趴走逛老街開始吧!
2021/11/28 | 00:08:11
#11 EP04 英文版-【Travel light!】Have a Jaunt in Ruili!
2021/11/14 | 00:06:26
#12 EP02 瑞里線-【檜意森活村】全國第一森林文創,「檜」跟我「意」起來!
2021/11/13 | 00:11:12
#13 EP03 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】跟著我們一起遊走步道,享受山林間的美麗風景吧!
2021/11/06 | 00:11:21
#14 EP03 英文版-【Date with Mountains】Immerse yourself in the nature
2021/10/23 | 00:07:24
#15 EP01 瑞里線-【嘉義火車站】阿里山的「嘉」門口,「義」起來火車站尋覓在地美食!
2021/10/16 | 00:11:38
#16 EP02 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】準備好出發了嗎?今天會和大家一起探索鄒族文化&遊遍情人必去景點!
2021/10/09 | 00:11:51
#17 EP02 英文版-【Romantic date in Alishan!】Enjoy the world of two
2021/10/02 | 00:07:44
#18 EP01 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】剛來到嘉義趴趴走的你還沒有頭緒嗎?趕快跟上我們的腳步吧!
2021/09/26 | 00:15:01
#19 EP00 瑞里線-【行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里】阿里山播客放送中!
2021/09/25 | 00:05:06
#20 EP01 英文版-【Welcome to Alishan!】Start your journey from this beautiful place
2021/09/18 | 00:04:07