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#1 EP21:專業婚禮主持美少女Clina,用主持經驗告訴大家應具備的特質與魅力!
2023/06/01 | 00:40:12
#2 EP20:「從軍人到進擊的軍人!」幕後藏鏡人楊少綩操刀,是如何製作出熱門節目?
2023/05/25 | 00:40:12
#3 EP19: 「遠鄉閃閃計畫」,現在我們照亮孩子,未來孩子照亮世界。
2023/05/18 | 00:40:01
#4 EP18:澎湖離島「鳥嶼」知多少?教育掌舵者如何引領學生航向正確的道路!
2023/05/11 | 00:40:01
#5 EP17:騏樂繞地球,8.7萬油土伯訂閱起來!
2023/05/04 | 00:28:19
#6 EP16:迷你禮兵孫孫,用堅持練起各種高難度操槍動作!
2023/04/27 | 00:28:50
#7 EP15:人文攝影師吳建衡帶三太子巡迴72個國家,並用影像與親身經歷開拓偏鄉孩童視野!
2023/04/20 | 00:31:04
#8 EP14:劇組服裝執行Hazel,讓演員穿上最對味的服裝!
2023/04/13 | 00:39:18
#9 EP13:玉山國小孩童獨輪車環島,不畏挫折敢做夢!
2023/04/06 | 00:37:54
#10 EP12:全方位藝人陳彥廷,基隆囝仔的打拼之路!
2023/03/30 | 00:31:06
#11 EP11:安得烈食物銀行,用溫暖餵飽身心靈的需要!
2023/03/24 | 00:43:49
#12 EP10:棉花糖女孩春妞,樂觀正向面對挑戰!
2023/03/16 | 00:27:12
#13 EP9:空姐樂寶,獻聲分享進入職場甘苦談!
2023/03/09 | 00:26:18
#14 EP8:油畫藝術家楊奕軒,用繪畫手法重新呈現記憶中過去與現代交錯的鄉村風貌!
2023/03/03 | 00:31:22
#15 EP7:牠牠、恩典執行長李茂芊,立志推動臺灣成為亞洲第一個零棄養的國家!
2023/02/23 | 00:34:09
#16 EP6:讓孩子願意認識家鄉產業,並透過宣傳轉為資源。
2023/02/20 | 00:28:10
#17 EP5:偏鄉老師會呼吸就能任教?拜託不要誤會我!
2023/02/18 | 00:25:37
#18 EP4:圓夢團隊前往偏鄉學校拍攝畢業紀念冊,將善的種子埋在孩子心中。
2023/02/05 | 00:41:26
#19 EP3:《原飾那麼美》-文字編織者將文化具現化,才能夠持續傳承美麗文化。
2023/01/20 | 00:21:57
#20 EP2:《原飾那麼美》-蜜兒受到原鄉的呼喚,用七年完成原住民16族服飾文化藝術與生活美學!
2023/01/11 | 00:34:47
#21 EP1:序:三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮。
2023/01/01 | 00:28:41
#22 EP42:年度最後一集,就交給歌手雙人團體馬卡榕,現場獻唱給大家聽!Take every chance, drop every fear.
2022/12/29 | 00:37:09
#23 EP41:刺青師安安,我有刺青,你有故事嗎?Dont dream your life, live your dream.
2022/12/29 | 00:35:52
#24 EP40:街頭藝人X駐唱歌手Reyna宛霖,分享屬於她的街頭表演經驗!Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
2022/12/22 | 00:44:36
#25 EP39:Betty老師致力推動國內人體彩繪,扭轉刻板印象!True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
2022/12/10 | 00:36:00
#26 EP38:療癒系暖心歌手采霓Mibo,分享屬於她的街頭表演經驗!You are not afraid of difficult, difficult is afraid of you.
2022/12/09 | 00:38:49
#27 EP37:心態調整才是克服的關鍵,人像模特兒欣欣分享成長之路。To overcome the difficulties, can make the difficulties into opportunities.
2022/12/05 | 00:38:44
#28 EP36:抽象藝術家Phoebe用情緒畫出內心的世界!Art is a learn to sincerely work.
2022/11/30 | 00:35:45
#29 EP35:抽象藝術家Phoebe放棄穩定工作,堅持走上藝術家之路!Art is a learn to sincerely work.
2022/11/19 | 00:26:58
#30 EP34:來自公館的五個大學生所組成的樂團-「公館青少年」(下)!Happy, you listen to music. Sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.
2022/11/14 | 00:39:28
#31 EP33:來自公館的五個大學生所組成的樂團-「公館青少年」(上)!Happy, you listen to music. Sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.
2022/11/09 | 00:34:54
#32 EP32:讓莒光主持人楊媛鈞告訴你,光鮮亮麗後面所得付出的努力!The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.
2022/11/02 | 00:23:19
#33 EP31:YellowBlack吉他手Lightsout新嘗試,用演歌詮釋全新創作!One of my favorite music, preached to my thought and meaning is not expressed by words.
2022/10/21 | 00:35:52
#34 EP30:阿諾引領臺灣塗鴉發展,開啟了城市另一種美貌!Great art don't have to follow the trend, he alone can lead.
2022/09/15 | 00:28:43
#35 EP29:黑膠音樂知多少,三創黑膠主理人Hiro帶大家入門!In music, I can speak freely, free.
2022/09/04 | 00:35:10
#36 EP28:酒鬼妮大來分享怎麼品酒以及女生喝酒應該怎麼保護自己!Tasting wine is a kind of enjoyment, but also a kind of edification, like enjoying sunbathing with music.
2022/08/26 | 00:28:31
#37 EP27:Passion Sisters松鼠降臨!分享啦啦隊甘苦。True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.
2022/08/18 | 00:23:51
#38 EP26:整復師大鵬分享何謂整復,又如何分辨美式與中式。The patients are your best teachers.
2022/08/10 | 00:35:43
#39 EP25:鄭開翔用速寫、用純粹畫出臺灣街景之美。Art is never let you to understand, but for you to perceive.
2022/08/06 | 00:21:46
#40 EP24:華人雞尾酒教父Aki引領大家找到屬於自己的調酒。If you can perfect just one thing in your lifetime, your life is considered complete.
2022/07/22 | 00:30:09
#41 EP23:不爭第一,但要做唯一!商業攝影師崔羅莎,用攝影說故事。I don't want to be the first one. I want to be the only one.
2022/07/09 | 00:22:41
#42 EP22:商業攝影師崔羅莎,用她的攝影觀點帶妳認識拍照這件事!The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it.
2022/07/02 | 00:24:30
#43 EP21:想被又胸又殺泰拳美少女BonBon踢一腳嗎?Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges make you grow.
2022/06/18 | 00:26:01
#44 EP20:臺灣Beatbox之光徐銘謙,用BEATBOX LOOPSTATION奪下亞洲第二名!It’s Beatbox, not B-box or Bbox.
2022/06/11 | 00:39:37
#45 EP19:音樂才子小魚哥,用軍隊流行音樂表達愛國信念!Music is the best in life.
2022/06/03 | 00:32:48
#46 EP18:您心中的前五名電影是什麼?來聽聽看跟臭嘴威廉的排行是否一樣!Top five movies in your mind.
2022/05/29 | 00:30:02
#47 EP17:來聽臺灣首席動漫刺青師李小巨怎麼看待刺青!If you don't know what you really want, don't get tattooed.
2022/05/21 | 00:25:36
#48 EP16:電影不是只有神劇或爛片!臭嘴威廉教你如何看電影!Telling a Story with movies.
2022/05/12 | 00:27:52
#49 EP15:潛季到了,還不快跟Sam’ Club一起來玩水肺!To protect the sea is to protect ourselves.
2022/04/28 | 00:39:29
#50 EP14:Ironman超級鐵人來了!來聽看看挺進Kona世界賽的男人怎麼練鐵人!Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.
2022/04/21 | 00:40:51
#51 EP13:自由潛水跟水肺潛水差在哪?讓Waterman Freediving的阿偉教練與香香教練來告訴大家!The scuba diver dives to look around, the freediver dives to look inside.
2022/04/07 | 00:43:25
#52 EP12:世界音樂在A8,今年輪到非洲了!讓我們一起感受這股原始的力量吧!Get down! Feel that original, natural flavor.
2022/03/31 | 00:33:01
#53 EP11:做甜點可以不加糖嗎?夠了喔,甜點師傅要生氣了!Dessert without sugar? I don’t think so.
2022/03/29 | 00:34:19
#54 EP10:《像天空一樣》的專案發想怎麼來?讓阿軍大數據告訴大家!"Staunch Wings" music video ! 3, 2, 1, ACTION!
2022/03/20 | 00:21:41
#55 EP9:軍聞社婦女節推出女飛官MV,製作團隊分享《像天空一樣》製作過程。Let’s talk about "Staunch Wings" the music video released by Military News Agency.
2022/03/10 | 00:37:22
#56 EP8:餐酒搭配怎麼避免踩雷?流浪嗜酒師來分享。How to make your wine and food pairing perfect?
2022/03/06 | 00:20:54
#57 EP7:帶你用錢買到快樂,「聊玩具」頻道準備回鍋!Money can really buy happiness! “Toy Talk” is ready to back!
2022/02/26 | 00:29:25
#58 EP6:原來當品酒師,酒量不用特別好。I can drink like a fish.
2022/02/23 | 00:21:47
#59 EP5:街舞是藝術還是運動?就讓李羽信來告訴你!Art or sport? What do you think?
2022/02/17 | 00:20:23
#60 EP4:李羽信老師好,街舞老師是不是顏值都很高?Are all street dance teachers good-looking?
2022/02/13 | 00:21:19
#61 EP3:炸雞還是酪梨?健身教練教你吃!Fried chicken or vocado? Let fitness coach tell you!
2022/02/13 | 00:17:40
#62 EP2:我怕練太壯!I’m afraid of training too Strong!
2022/02/12 | 00:18:20
#63 EP1:Yes,I’m Back.是的,我是貝克。
2022/02/11 | 00:16:36


讓我們逗陣用小小的手掌,創造大大的力量 Let’s go!!!

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