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牧老師正音班 Mr.Mu Speaking Class

牧老師正音班 Mr.Mu Speaking Class

牧老師與水水 Mr.Mu with Water boy




#1 (三十八).牧老師速成注音班:ㄦ的唸法
2023/04/09 | 00:06:40
#2 (三十七).牧老師速成注音班:ㄥ的唸法
2023/04/02 | 00:09:21
#3 (三十六).牧老師速成注音班:ㄤ的唸法
2023/03/18 | 00:06:00
#4 水水好愛玩-曼谷慢遊趣 PART2
2023/03/12 | 00:14:34
#5 水水好愛玩-曼谷慢遊趣 PART1
2023/03/04 | 00:22:11
#6 (三十五).牧老師速成注音班:ㄢ的唸法
2023/02/05 | 00:09:58
#7 (三十四).牧老師速成注音班:ㄡ的唸法
2023/01/29 | 00:08:22
#8 (三十三).牧老師速成注音班:ㄠ及鼻音的唸法
2023/01/22 | 00:13:35
#9 牧老師與水水黑白講-過年特輯好運占卜
2023/01/22 | 00:21:11
#10 (三十二).牧老師速成注音班:ㄠ的唸法
2023/01/01 | 00:04:43
#11 牧老師與水水黑白講-聖誕節來去滿月魔法市集
2022/12/18 | 00:12:45
#12 牧老師與水水黑白講-山林系旅遊 Part2
2022/12/11 | 00:13:41
#13 (三十一).牧老師速成注音班:ㄞ的唸法
2022/11/25 | 00:06:43
#14 (三十).牧老師速成注音班:ㄝㄟ的唸法
2022/11/19 | 00:06:40
#15 牧老師與水水黑白講-山林系旅遊
2022/10/07 | 00:20:50
#16 (二十九).牧老師速成注音班:ㄜ的唸法
2022/10/03 | 00:09:33
#17 《好事瘋雲榜》客座來賓牧老師大談必比登美食
2022/09/11 | 00:22:12
#18 (二十七).牧老師速成注音班:ㄛ的唸法
2022/09/05 | 00:06:40
#19 (二十六).牧老師速成注音班:ㄚ的唸法
2022/08/28 | 00:07:20
#20 牧老師與水水黑白講-金門金水金好玩
2022/08/12 | 00:14:38
#21 (二十五).牧老師速成注音班:ㄩ的唸法
2022/07/22 | 00:07:42
#22 (二十四).牧老師速成注音班:ㄨ的唸法
2022/07/10 | 00:07:28
#23 (二十三).牧老師速成注音班:一的唸法
2022/05/27 | 00:07:52
#24 牧老師與水水黑白講-今年夏天有夠芒!吃芒果囉
2022/05/26 | 00:18:59
#25 34. 語言是什麼?好難回答的問題 What's languague? It's so difficult to answer it.
2022/05/13 | 00:10:57
#26 牧老師與水水黑白講-現主時要的+1
2022/04/29 | 00:16:29
#27 (二十二).牧老師速成注音班:ㄙ的唸法
2022/04/22 | 00:05:11
#28 (二十一).木老師速成注音班:ㄘ的唸法
2022/04/15 | 00:04:10
#29 牧老師與水水黑白講-從奧斯卡聊到主持應變能力與技巧
2022/04/01 | 00:25:34
#30 33. 星象奧秘之12星座好聽聲音排名。The twelve constellations of mysteries are ranked by voices
2022/04/01 | 00:14:25
#31 (二十).牧老師速成注音班:ㄗ的唸法
2022/03/25 | 00:04:54
#32 31. 跟著市集去旅行。Mr.MU follow the bazaar to travel.
2022/03/18 | 00:15:13
#33 (十九).牧老師速成注音班:ㄖ的唸法
2022/03/11 | 00:10:06
#34 (十八).牧老師速成注音班:期中考測驗
2022/02/25 | 00:06:07
#35 30. 2022新春特輯!台灣燈會-來高雄賞光 Special episode! Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung.
2022/02/14 | 00:09:13
#36 29. 占卜好好玩!新年好運到 Divination is fun! Good luck with you.
2022/01/29 | 00:17:16
#37 28. 美輪明宏的神祕魔力秘密 The magic power of “Miwa Akihiro“.
2022/01/24 | 00:10:26
#38 (十七).牧老師速成注音班:ㄕ的唸法
2022/01/08 | 00:06:01
#39 27. 水水要從正音班轉職去酒店啦! Who are going to be nightclubs mistress.
2021/12/27 | 00:09:40
#40 (十六).牧老師速成注音班:ㄔ的唸法
2021/12/17 | 00:10:57
#41 (十五).牧老師速成注音班:ㄓ的唸法
2021/12/10 | 00:08:11
#42 (十四).牧老師速成注音班:ㄒ的唸法
2021/12/04 | 00:05:51
#43 (十三).木老師速成注音班:ㄑ的唸法
2021/11/22 | 00:05:40
#44 (十二).木老師速成注音班:ㄐ的唸法
2021/11/12 | 00:04:43
#45 26. 木老師說電影-梅艷芳特輯 Mr.Tu see movie – Anita
2021/11/06 | 00:18:44
#46 (十一).木老師速成注音班:ㄏ的唸法
2021/10/22 | 00:03:36
#47 25.振興五倍券來囉!您的聲音也要振興嗎? The stimulus vouchers is coming! How about your voice revitalize plan?
2021/10/16 | 00:12:10
#48 (十).木老師速成注音班:ㄎ的唸法
2021/10/08 | 00:03:36
#49 24.奈良美智的療癒魔力(高雄美術館) The amazing “YOSHITOMO NARA” at Kaohsiung museum of fine arts!
2021/09/24 | 00:09:01
#50 (九).木老師速成注音班:ㄍ的唸法
2021/09/17 | 00:06:01
#51 23.中秋想怎樣?你來找月亮 What do you want for “Moon Festival”?
2021/09/13 | 00:12:08
#52 (八).木老師速成注音班:ㄌ的唸法
2021/09/10 | 00:03:45
#53 (七).木老師速成注音班:ㄋ的唸法
2021/09/03 | 00:02:58
#54 (六).木老師速成注音班:ㄊ的唸法
2021/08/27 | 00:04:12
#55 (五).木老師速成注音班:ㄉ的唸法
2021/08/20 | 00:04:39
#56 (四).木老師速成注音班:ㄈ的唸法
2021/08/13 | 00:04:28
#57 (三).木老師速成注音班:ㄇ的唸法
2021/08/06 | 00:04:36
#58 (二).木老師速成注音班:ㄆ的唸法
2021/07/30 | 00:04:26
#59 22.職場憂鬱症!釋放你的工作壓力 Depression of work! Release your pressure.
2021/07/26 | 00:18:36
#60 (一).木老師速成注音班:ㄅ的唸法
2021/07/23 | 00:08:33
#61 21.職場討厭鬼!請不要接近我 Workplace bummer! Please don’t come to me.
2021/07/02 | 00:18:15
#62 20.手機就是銀行!聰明支付賺回饋 Phone is Bank! Smart pay make your money back.
2021/05/31 | 00:14:53
#63 19.你是職場傻白甜嗎?Are you a "sweet fool" of office?
2021/05/23 | 00:17:05
#64 18.口罩顏色代表你是怎樣的人 The color of mask represent who you are.
2021/05/17 | 00:17:15
#65 17.老天鵝!情侶分手景點排行榜 OMG! breaking up attractions ranking.
2021/04/15 | 00:17:19
#66 16.影音平台大亂鬥!Netflix 必看影集 The war of streaming media!
2021/04/15 | 00:13:22
#67 15. 健身房小白!地雷行為排行榜 Gym clueless! Terrible behaviors ranking.
2021/04/05 | 00:15:49
#68 14.台劇大爆發!天橋上的魔術師 Pop series! The Magician on the Skywalk
2021/03/28 | 00:14:03
#69 13. 全民共享潮!電動機車任你騎 Sharing together! Electric moto all you can ride.
2021/03/08 | 00:11:01
#70 12.迷迷之因?爆紅不需要理由 What's MEME? Be famous don’t need reason.
2021/03/08 | 00:11:02
#71 11.諧音正音傻傻分不清楚?小心鬧笑話 Be careful of making homophonic jokes.
2021/03/08 | 00:11:34
#72 10.塔羅老師誤入正音班!免費線上占卜 Do you ever try Tarot divination?
2021/03/01 | 00:13:09
#73 09.你有口頭禪嗎?對應個性大解析 Do you have “pet phrase” ? the connection with personality.
2021/03/01 | 00:09:27
#74 08.唱起來!! 破億神曲大盤點 Let’s sing popular song together!
2021/02/22 | 00:12:08
#75 07.一年有幾個情人節? 我就問 How many of Valentine's Day a year?
2021/02/20 | 00:11:34
#76 06.木老師你哪位?來認識一下 Who are "Mr,Tu"? Come meet to know.
2021/02/12 | 00:11:11
#77 05.牛年行大運 新春繞口令 Happy Lunar New Year, let's paly tongue twisters.
2021/02/09 | 00:14:00
#78 04.跟著流行走 正音跟著我 Follow the trend, said the right.
2021/02/08 | 00:10:57
#79 03.空山祭? 你去了沒有 Have you ever been to Longci Light Festival ?
2021/02/08 | 00:12:10
#80 02.趕快搭上天竺鼠車車! Hurry up getting on this guinea pig car.
2021/01/27 | 00:12:18
#81 01.韓劇上流戰爭到底戰什麼?What is this about korean drama of Penthouse ?
2021/01/26 | 00:14:40



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Here would share about current issues to practicing correct Chinese speaking, glad you to join us.

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