12-4 阿尼的言之有物 ~任何人都能送知識到各個角落~
AC Breeze 增值英文軟實力:留學、工作、旅行Play Episode
而且你我也能做到! 到底是什麼呢? 趕快收聽訂閱分享!
institute, institute, 機構
But he didn’t have access to private lessons, music concerts or music institutes.但他沒有辦法上一對一的教學課、沒有音樂會可以觀摩欣賞、也沒有音樂學校可以參觀。
orchestra, orchestra 管絃樂
he finally had a chance to play an instrument in orchestra class他終於有機會在管絃樂課中彈奏樂器
continent, continent. 大陸
he even performed in four different continents. 也曾經到不同國家表演,足跡遍佈四個州。
underserved, underserved. 弱勢的
underserved young student. 弱勢學生
systemic,systemic. 系統性的
He applied this model to another systemic field.
untapped, untapped. 未開發的
a huge source of untapped talent. 更多未開發的人才