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民國110.12.6-新聞英文直播No.277 政治新聞 & 社會新聞

民國110.12.6-新聞英文直播No.277 政治新聞 & 社會新聞

雷蒙英文講台灣新聞Taiwan news

2021/12/06 | 00:38:48 | Firstory #news

Play Episode


1.Democratize yourself: Audrey Tang tells China how to get invited to future summits--TN(12/6)使自己民主化:唐鳳告訴中國如何獲得未來高峰會的邀請
2.U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says any move by China to invade Taiwan would have 'terrible consequences'--TPN(12/4)美國國務卿安東尼布林肯稱中國侵略台灣的任何舉動都會產生“可怕的後果”
3.Dog lovers beg south Taiwan magistrate to spare pit bull that mauled 3-year-old to death--TPN(12/6)愛狗人士懇求南台縣長放過咬死3歲小孩的鬥牛犬
4.Domestic violence a growing trend in Taiwan has become more pervasive in Taiwan over the past decade –TN (12/5)家庭暴力呈上升趨勢,過去十年間家暴在台灣變得更加普遍
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