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Is it Christmas Day or Constitutional  Anniversary in Taiwan?

Is it Christmas Day or Constitutional Anniversary in Taiwan?


2020/12/29 | 00:06:12 | SoundOn #arts

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Hello, welcome to Josephine’s language world . Today we would like to talk about: Is 25th ,December the Christmas Day in Taiwan? Or is it a constitutional anniversary. Why do I choose such kind of topic? The main reason is that when I was walking on the street on 25th, Dec, I saw the national flags flying all over the streets. At that time, actually I felt very excited and passionate when seeing the national flags fluttering in the wind. I was very honored at that moment. And how about you? When you walked on the street on that day , what is in your mind ? Is it Constitutional Anniversary? Or is it Christmas Day ?
On December 25, 1946, our government released the Constitution of the Republic of China . In 1963, the Executive Yuan designated December 25 as the constitutional anniversary and also a national holiday. Therefore, from 1963 to 2000, it is a national holiday. The reason for the holiday was not for Christmas, but to commemorate the constitution of the Republic of China. About 30 years ago, more and more people’s lives are influenced by Western culture . People in Taiwan gradually entered into the Christmas atmosphere, so they began to celebrate the so-called Christmas, and various activities also emerged. In the 2001s, our government had a two-day off reform and canceled the national holiday of that day, so we no longer have a holiday on December 25.
Of course it is just a piece of history, and history will eventually be submerged in the yellow sand of the times. When looking back at the past, none of us can change the history , but we can create the history of the future. Before I have a new national flag, the flags all over the streets are always the hometown of my glory.
大家晚安,歡迎來到九十分的語言世界。今天在節目當中想要跟各位聊聊的是: 10月25號在台灣到底是聖誕節呢? 還是行憲紀念日。為什麼跟各位聊這個話題呢? 最主要的原因是因為在25號當天當我走在街頭時,我看到滿街都懸掛著國旗。當時在我的心裡面 ,感到十分的雀躍、以及熱血澎湃,確實能看到國旗隨風飄揚,在那樣的場景下真的感到十分光榮。不曉得各位台灣的朋友,當12月25號當天走在街頭的時候,你的心裡面所想的是行憲紀念日的機會比較大呢 ? 還是今天是耶誕節的機會比較大呢?