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Sky ladder

Sky ladder


2021/02/16 | 00:05:03 | SoundOn #arts

Play Episode


今天特別想介紹的可以說是他的嘔心瀝血之作: 「天梯」。天梯是蔡國強歷時21年製作的作品,在歐美以及亞洲經歷一次又一次的失敗,最後在家鄉泉州成功。而我之所以推薦這一個作品,最主要有兩個原因:第一個原因是一個人能堅守21年的執著而始終不放棄,就憑這樣的一份堅持就該被讚揚,試問我們周遭有多少人可能是空談理想,卻從不務實的人呢?第二個原因是因為我特別認同於他所說的一句話: 在神和大自然的面前,人是卑微的。尤其是在新冠肺炎重擊全球人類的今天,更值得令人省思。
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Josephine’s Language World. Today we would like to introduce a Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang , who is known for highly-publicized public spectacles that fill the sky with shimmering fireworks or colorful smoke. He was born in 1957 in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China. In 1999, he won the Golden Lion at the 48th Venice Biennale , and in 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games placed Cai in the spotlight of critical and popular attention.
Today I especially recommend his perfect work "Sky Ladder” to you because it made him throw all his energy and lasted for 21 years to create such a wonderful masterpiece. It is his way to connect the earth to the universe. Besides, it was also a birthday present for his 100-year-old grandmother, who had supported his artistic endeavors and passed away shortly after its success.
“Cai Guoqiang said: ‘art is the simplest impulse, '. Yes, his love to art supported him in finishing Sky Ladder. His simplicity and persistence led to his success. “
Cai Guoqiang thinks Sky Ladder marks a return to his origins, and a chance to climb higher. The image of With Sky Ladder attempts to commune with the unseen world, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19. He even said: “It’s not easy to be an artist, but it’s very meaningful.”