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#1 【EP19】五倍券之謎~永遠抽不到的加碼券!你也是加碼券的棄兒嗎?
2021/10/15 | 00:17:50
#2 【EP18】重大事件宣布!2021已過一半 你的願望清單完成多少了呢? How much left of your 2021 Bucket list?
2021/06/14 | 00:25:32
#3 【EP17】三分能力七分看運氣 星座運勢該相信嗎?Do you believe in horoscope?
2021/06/07 | 00:34:39
#4 【EP16】騎車遇到三寶該注意!真的遇到事後SOP經驗談 Attention should be paid when cycling and encountering a car accident!
2021/05/31 | 00:30:33
#5 【EP15】八卦同事滿天飛~ 你以為你里長伯喔?!Gossip spreads !
2021/05/17 | 00:22:46
#6 【EP14】離職潮掀起來 !!是什麼讓你想換工作呢?!What makes you want to quite your job
2021/05/10 | 00:24:58
#7 【脫離苦海大作戰】破解新鮮人面試官的真實話術~第一彈
2021/05/05 | 00:36:22
#8 【EP13】劈腿不可取!可以喜歡很多個但只愛一個? Are you a cheater? Love is blind and vulnerable
2021/04/26 | 00:23:17
#9 【EP12】職場美人計! 長得好看真的能稱霸辦公室嗎? Do good looking person will get all the benefits
2021/04/19 | 00:21:47
#10 【EP11】手機虛擬支付當道!!APP信用卡優惠多到爆 省錢省到爆 Virtual payment become popular
2021/04/12 | 00:22:46
#11 【EP10】職場戀愛深不可測 小心被人抓包!! Gossip spreads! Beware of "your" office romance
2021/04/05 | 00:18:40
#12 【EP9】有房又有車是基本?!結婚是有錢人的特權?!Getting married is a privilege of wealthy people
2021/03/29 | 00:26:43
#13 【EP8】網購下單再下單! 小心其中免運的甜蜜陷阱 Beware of the free shipping discount when you're shopping online
2021/03/22 | 00:20:08
#14 【EP7】社畜特休太珍貴!上班族の請假謊言 Lies about taking a day off at work
2021/03/15 | 00:23:04
#15 【EP6】租屋神奇靈異事件! 真實版寄生上流上演 Supernatural events happened in my rented apartment
2021/03/08 | 00:33:25
#16 【EP5】宅經濟發威啦!疫情隔離的最佳良伴:網際網路 Our closest friend will become internet during the pandemic
2021/03/01 | 00:21:13
#17 【EP4】窮遊回來還要伴手禮?! 員工旅遊該去嗎? Should the supervisor go to company travel with others?
2021/02/22 | 00:20:38
#18 【EP3】過年親戚討厭啦!別再問我這些話了!Stop asking me silly question during Chinese new year
2021/02/08 | 00:21:21
#19 【EP2】總是要不回來的錢! 上班族又愛又恨的外送費 All general staffs like to ordered some delivery for lunch
2021/02/08 | 00:20:39
#20 【EP1】上班已經夠壓榨了! 同事就別再雷了 Stop exploiting employees and be nice to your underline
2021/02/08 | 00:20:01